Saying goodbye to Taehyung was probably one of the hardest thing Jungkook had to do but when it was almost time for Junghwoon to go back home, he and Jimin had to leave.


"Guys! I have some news!!" Hoseok beams as he enters Namjoon and Seokjin's living room.

The boys are all gathered in the house, and fortunately, Jimin and Jungkook could return before the meeting started.

"Me and my father investigated about this Mark guy and we found out that he was arrested in 2018 but was magically released in 2019 and that's when he started to work for Kim Minhoo"

"He was arrested? Why for?" It's Namjoon who asked.

"He was drunk and drove a car which hit a woman. She died on the spot. And he should've been in jail for years but guess Mr Kim helped him"

"And here we go again, another reason for me to hate my father!" Namjoon momentarily groans out of frustration.

"So what are we going to do with that information?" Asked Jin who was holding his boyfriend's hands to comfort him.

"If my father take the case to the court and he can get a lifetime imprisonment" Hoseok starts. "But we want him to help us so it's a win-win. We'll talk with him and convince him to help us out."

"But what if my father steps in? I'm sure he's going to protect his man because if Mark ends up in jail, it's going to get to him!"

"Well, you know he can't escape this time since my father has the CCTV footage of the night his car hit the woman. My father can easily threaten him with that because for sure, he'll end up in jail if the judges saw this video"

"Woaoh- Hoseok you're such an intelligent man!" Jimin clapped his hands which draw everyone else's attention. "What? I was just congratulating him because he and his father are truly genius!"

"Shut up, Chim!" Jungkook playfully snaps. "But thank you, Hoseok. I don't know what would've happened if I wasn't friend with you!"

"What was that? You're only friend with me because of that?" Hoseok pretended to be offended.

"I'm friend with you because you're such an intelligent guy! Didn't know why you study business instead of law! You'd make a good lawyer like your father!"

"It's because you and Jimin would be such bunch of losers if I wasn't with you guys!" Hoseok snorts which earned him a slap on the back from an angry little Jimin.


After the little meeting, everyone went back to their occupations.

"When will you show the recording to the guys?" Jin asked his boyfriend.

They are currently in their bedroom and given Namjoon's empty glare, Jin knows that his boyfriend feels guilty for not yet showing the recording to his his friends.

Even if Mark's testimony would be enough to put Junghwoon and his father behind the bars, he is still hesitant whether he should show the recording to his friends or not.

Will it really matter to him if his father ends up in jail? Of course it will! Minhoo is his father even if he's a cruel man!!

Namjoon doesn't want to defend his father's wrong doings yet that's what he seemed to be doing, right now.

He's really a bad person, right?

"I don't know yet"

"You know he'll end up in jail, anyway" Jin sighed out, body lying down on the soft mattress and Namjoon joined him sooner after. "Mark will for sure expose him and you hiding the truth will only kill you from the inside!"

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