Part 15: A Loss

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Seoyun went to the office the next day, as usual. She possibly couldn't sit idle, she felt that it would aggravate her anxiety.  She couldn't afford it anymore, because of the new life within her, she wanted to take care of it and protect it from all that she possibly could, it meant that she had to protect it from her own issues.

Since she hadn't been to office the day earlier, so there were certain things for her to review.

It was in the evening that she received a call from her cousin.

"Unnie, please meet me, I haven't seen you since your wedding day." She complained to Seoyun. "You never take out time for me" She whined and Seoyun agreed. She had always greeted her like her own younger sister. She never really used to say no to her for anything.

 Seoyun decided that meeting her would put her in a better mood, which she was in need of in order to have a normal decent conversation with Yoongi, later in the day.


Seoyun and her cousin stepped out of the restaurant and someone blocked Seoyun's way. Seoyun looked at the person, she thought that maybe she knows them but she noticed that the person blocking her way wasn't alone but there was actually a group of people with her.

"You disgusting woman! You don't deserve our Yoongi!" She came forward and almost pushed Seoyun to the ground.

Seoyun would have fallen but her cousin held her, who then got scared as she was much younger than Seoyun, and this was totally a scary situation to her.

"What.." Seoyun tried to get at the person, but someone again pushed her from the other side.

"You cheater! How dare you cheat upon our Oppa!" Several girls were pushing her by now.

The mob increased in number. They had actually seen her getting inside there and they had waited for her to surround her later on.

"You are a filthy woman! You cheat upon your husband!"

"You don't deserve him!"

There were curse words and pushes hurled at her from every direction, Seoyun kept treading back until the staff intervened.

One of the security guards pressed the button of the lift and asked them to step inside. He was alone at that time and that was the only thing he could think of to keep them both safe from the crowd as he stood at the door.

"Unnie.. Unniee.. What's happening to you?" Her cousin cried, looking at her gasping for breath.

Seoyun felt claustrophobic and and had one of her panic attacks. She wanted to hold herself together but being trapped there in the lift with a group of people shouting and cursing at her from every direction became too much for her to endure.

By the time the crowd dispersed, she had fainted and before fainting she had felt an excruciating pain in her tummy.

Seoyun's cousin had called her parents on the way to hospital. They had then promptly called Yoongi up to inform him of the incident.

But, the bad had already happened till she reached the hospital.


Yoongi stared at the phone and stood clueless for a minute after ending the call.

"What happened?" Namjoon asked him.

"Seoyun.. She is.. she is taken to the hospital." He said in a faint voice.

Namjoon stood up from his chair and came towards him, others also came towards him as they heard him.

Love Series #4: Something Called Love | Min YoongiWhere stories live. Discover now