Part 2 : Dislike

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Seoyun took a disdained look at the man sitting across the table from her.

This dinner had been arranged specially for both of them.
She was not succeeding at not letting her true emotions at this moment from creeping up on her face.

"You wanna hit him or what?" Her cousin tugged her arm.

It was then that Seoyun stopped staring at him and shifted her gaze towards her father seated besides him, engrossed in some serious conversation with him.

Yoongi felt her eyes on himself, he was paying attention to what Mr. Park was saying to him, but at the same time he had felt her intense gaze.

He hadn't really noticed her or looked in her direction since he had walked in here.

It was after so much of pleading by his mother that he had accepted to attend this dinner.

"Why don't you show Seoyun around the house, Yoongi-ya?" His father spoke and he reluctantly stood up on his feet.

No matter, what he becomes in life, respecting his parents was of utmost importance to him.

He indicated for her to pass by before him, still not really looking at her face.

"I don't know what's the point of all this!" She moved to the balcony and crossed her arms over her chest, clearly annoyed.

"Point of what?" He asked looking straight before him, though he really did not want to make any conversation.

"Point of this meeting after fifteen years!" She had almost hissed.

Yoongi took a cursory glance at her.

"So, she is as annoyed as I am!" He made the right observation.

"I agree." He put his hands in his pockets, again staring straight at something far off.

"See, I don't really like you or your kinds!"

Yoongi raised an eye-brow.

"Excuse me?" Good manners somehow prevented him from switching to Suga mode.

"Let's not pretend why our parents want us both to know each other suddenly after fifteen years! I am not at all interested into getting in any kind of relationship with you!" She turned sideways to look straight at him this time.

Yoongi leaned over the railing and turned his face towards her too, his face devoid of any expressions.

"I return these sentiments, Noona!" 


Somehow the last word reflected boredom, flirtation, arrogance and a blaise attitude all spun in one sentence, something only Min Yoongi can succeed at.

Seoyun wanted to respond tartly to this too, but refrained herself.

It was clear that none of them wanted it to happen, neither Yoongi was interested in showing her around the house, nor Se--Yun was a bit interested in this offer either.

They stood there for a couple minutes more before coming back to the drawing room.


"What do you mean you dislike him? What's there in him to dislike?" Mrs. Park rounded on her.

"Eomma! Please! Can you stop it?" Seoyun felt that her head would burst.

"Seoyun! The six months I gave you are over! We gave you a choice but you take it so lightly, we have been trying to get you to decide about marriage since the last five years! How much more time do you want? Take it really seriously this time Seoyun, I give you another week and then am fixing the marriage with him!"

The tone of her father and the lump forming itself in her throat prevented her from getting back at him this time.

She pushed back her tears, she couldn't be vulnerable, not in front of them.


"My son! She is a nice girl, a business woman and from a good family. We want to fix your marriage with her. I was just noticing today that how perfect you both looked with each other, isn't it?"

His mother turned towards his father to ask for his opinion.

"Your mother is right, Yoongi-ah, you both looked a perfect couple. It is not everyday that you get a nice girl to settle down with, my son. We don't want you to marry someone from the entertainment industry. Seoyun is the perfect girl for you."

Yoongi was looking at the ground, listening to both his parents. They have their own biases about people, their work and so was the case even with her.

"So, she dislikes the likes of me? Yeah! My ass!" His tongue poked his cheek.

"Eomma! Appa! Am not ready for this! I'll be leaving now!"

He bowed to them and left.

"Why are they so adamant this time!" He wondered.

It would be some couple of years since they have started discussing this marriage  thing with him.

Driving back on the empty road, the image of the girl standing in the balcony came back to him.

"She looks even more beautiful now!" A slight signature half smile crept upon his lips.

His school crush, his neighbor, the girl older to him by two years had changed so much in these fifteen years.


Seoyun clutched at the railing of her balcony once she was back to her room.

"I dislike the likes of him! They can't be trusted! Why should I invest in this when I can't trust him with the outcome?" Her businesswoman mind told her.

By the time Yoongi had reached home and flung off the car keys on the table, he had made the decision.

"I really don't like her!" He got into the shower, it had to be one of the most boring evenings off late.

"It's certain that I dislike him!" Seo-Yun splashed cold water on her burning cheeks.

"Noway this is happening!" Both of them simultaneously concluded.


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