Part 14 : News to Share

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Seoyun stared at the doctor's face, she was almost sure that she had heard her wrong. Then she looked at the report before her. It stated clearly that she was pregnant. Eight weeks pregnant.

She thanked the doctor and instead of going to office she came back home. There was too much for her to process.

She wasn't sure why she was doing it but she came to his room, instead of going to her own. It was the first time that she had come to his room. It seemed decent to her, more than her expectations of it. She sat down on his bed and looked at her hands kept in her lap, particularly at her wedding band and engagement ring.

'He has good choice', the thought was sudden and totally opposite to what her opinion till date was about her engagement ring.

'Why am I being sentimental, maybe his mother chose this. Just like she was the one who chose me.' She stood up and came towards the glass window and leaned on it.

'And it were my parents who chose him for me, not me.' She looked at the rain outside, it has suddenly started to rain.

'What do I do now? Is it beyond repair?' She felt a pang.

'What do I do for you?' She kept her hand over her tummy, where a new life was forming within her.

Her eyes filled with tears.

'Min Yoongi, you moron!' She cursed at him as she wiped her tears.

'Sorry, baby.' The next moment she remembered and apologized.

She came and sat down on the bed again, then fell backwards onto it. She hadn't seen him or heard from him since the last three days. He hadn't even texted, as he sometimes would do. She had come back home from work to an empty house and wouldn't find him there sitting in the lounge.

She hadn't realized when she had gotten used to seeing him, he would be there at least thrice a week. She had even bothered to keep a count, she wondered. He would ask her whether she had eaten and then they would have dinner together, even if it was in silence.

He would also sometimes leave her a random text, but he didn't this time.

'He's bad, but is he that bad? And if he's not then how come we stand at this point?' She felt the same pang.

She crumpled into a ball, 'I have pulled him into my chaos, he was making efforts. He was right about me, I never wanted to listen to him. My problems were mine, they were not his, they were mine to deal with.'

Tears flowed down her eyes again, 'He hurt me, he too didn't listen to me. The way he talks! I feel like smacking his face! The m..' She wanted to curse again, but again remembered the baby.

'You have to know about this Min Yoongi, you can choose to stay or leave after it.' She sat up and picked up her phone to call him but suddenly felt so dizzy.

'I'll call him later.' She then stood up to go to her room as she felt like throwing up.


It was late during the night, when she finally decided to call him. The first time she called he didn't pick up. She threw her phone away in exasperation.

It was about half an hour later that he called her back.

"What do you want?" The question was to the point.

"For you to come here." She wasn't looking to pick up an argument again.

"Why?" He asked in his same steely tone.

"I have to tell you something."

"You have already got them ready?" He asked from the other side.

"Gotten what ready?" She couldn't catch the meaning of his words.

"The divorce papers, what else?"

She thought for a moment that how calm and sure he sounded about it.

"Get here first and we can perhaps get them ready together." She responded with the same calmness.

"Right!" He responded.

She wanted to curse at him again, but didn't feel the energy for it.

"When will you come here?"

"Tomorrow evening."

"Why not now or in the morning?"

"Am on a schedule."

She was about to keep the call when she heard some voices from his end. She did not want to but asked him.

"Where are you?"

"Should you bother about it?"

"No, I really shouldn't. See you tomorrow."

He just hummed in response and ended the call.

"Your father is a bit.. strange, baby." She kept her hand on her tummy again. It was only today morning that she had come to know of it and she already found herself caressing her tummy time and again.

Her mind went over some fifteen years ago, when he was her neighbor. They had really never had any proper conversation, just casual greetings sometimes.

He was like this even then, he didn't mingle much with people and would keep to himself. She even knew that he had a crush over her, the girl who was teasing her about it, she had almost punched her face over it.

She had no interest in anyone back then, even if it was her handsome neighbor, Min Yoongi.

She had plans.

She wanted to take forward her father's small business and build an empire.

Her empire.

'And now, Min Yoongi is part of my life, even if for such a short time. Why did we have to come together like this? Maybe in some other situation, maybe by some thin chance, we could have come together on our own will and would have stayed together.'

She thought as the night grew dark.


Yoongi had stared at his phone screen for a few seconds before calling back to her.

He had just gotten back to the dorm and had a busy schedule again tomorrow.

After ending the call he wondered what could it be that she would wanted to tell him, besides them getting a divorce.

He sat down on the bed and massaged his temples. He expected the worse from her.

Namjoon and Seokjin had again insisted on him going to his home to Seoyun, but he didn't want to get into any heated argument with her again.

He thought he would go once his schedule will get a bit more relaxed and when he would be determined to not get back at her in petty ways.He felt a few sparks of anger and guilt, that were there within him still.

'I too was at fault, I said disgusting things to her and insulted her.' Somehow, he wasn't particularly pleased with his own behavior either.

'We have really completely fallen apart.'


[ Author's Note:
Credit for this chapter goes to
@best_messed  whose comments put the idea in my head.
Thank you so much,
Please don't hesitate to follow this amazing and adorable person. <3


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