Part 7: Keep Away

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Seoyun returned from office to find her father sitting in the lounge and chattering voices coming from the kitchen.

"Anyonghaseyo Appa! You didn't tell me you'll be visiting me."

"You've forgotten about us, but your husband asked us to come over." He replied.

"I haven't forgotten you, Appa." She tried to sound cheerful.

She looked towards the kitchen, recognizing her mother's voice coming from in there. She kept her handbag on the lounge sofa and came up to the kitchen to take a look.

Yoongi was behind the counter, he was wearing an apron and was stewing something on the burner. Her mother was sitting on the stool besides him, cutting vegetables.

Both of them were engrossed in conversation, she hadn't seen him this chatty. He looked up at her and she gave him the "You-could've-told-me" look.

"Hey!" He threw her a gummy smile.

"You're late than usual from the office, Seoyun. You should spend more time with your husband. I have got to know that you were away on a business strip for two days, you have to spend time with your husband now. Stop using your business as an excuse." Her mother too acknowledged her presence.

"Anyonghaseyo Eomma!"

"Get changed, we'll be serving dinner." He sensed the friction between them.

Seoyun came back to the dining table to see a widespread of dishes on the table. After she was seated, she took a cursory glance at Yoongi serving the food first to her father.

"We have a cook Eomma, why did you have to make all this."

"My son made this, I did not."

"Son?" She raised an eye brow. "What son?"

"Our son!" Her mother lovingly wrapped her arm around Yoongi's shoulder.

"The son we never had. We finally have him." She added, beaming at him and serving several dishes on his plate.

Seoyun looked from her mother to her father, they were both engrossed in him. She was nowhere for them. She felt as if she had disturbed this little rendezvous of theirs. She felt out of place and unwanted. She looked around herself, 'I don't belong here.'

She stood up from her place, keeping her napkin down as she excused herself from the table.

Yoongi watched her go up the flight of stairs and heard the voice of her door closing a bit louder than the usual.

"Please excuse me, let me check on her!" He got up too.

"It's all right, you eat first." Her mother told him.

"I'll just check with her, Eomma." He bowed and came after her.

"Am afraid she'll ruin her marriage with him if she doesn't stop throwing these tantrums of hers around." Her mother sighed and remarked to her father.

"Open the door!" He knocked on the door, it was locked.

"Go away!" She said.

"We can talk." He said, keeping his voice low.

"I said, go away!"

"Are you okay?"

"Go away!"

Seoyun did not reply and moved to the farther most window of the room. Yoongi shook his head, he knew she wouldn't open the door.

"She's tired." He came back and apologized to her parents.

"We know her better, my son. She's just a spoiled girl. We're sorry to you on her behalf!" Her mother replied to him.

Yoongi ate with them, making them feel welcomed in their home, though his mind still was stuck over her.
They left after the dinner but Seoyun didn't come to see them off either.


He saw her coming down the stairs towards the kitchen. Getting up from the lounge sofa he came towards her. "You could've eaten with us." He calmly said.

She kept the water bottle on the counter and tried to move away.

"You listen to me when am talking to you." He held her hand.

"Leave my hand."  She freed her hand out of his hold.

"What's your problem?" He blocked her way.

"Leave me!"

"First, you gonna stop shouting and second you gonna listen to what I have to say!"

"I will not, you fucking keep away, Min Yoongi!"

"How much do you swear!"

"I do other things too."

"Such as?"

"Kicking people where it hurts the most!"

Yoongi let out a chuckle, "You know, you haven't changed a bit since school."

She came back at him by saying, "Then it would mean that you still like me?"

For a while, he was taken aback by her remark. He didn't know that she had an idea about it.

"No.. no, let me correct myself. You're still a pervert."

Yoongi poked his cheek with his tongue then held her hand.

"Come here." He took her by her hand and walked towards the lounge.

She rolled her eyes at him and then followed him.

"What are you upset about?" Sitting on the sofa, he asked her.

"What was the need to invite them over?" She sat besides him.

"When were you ready to listen that we could have talked about it?" He complained.

"You don't need to invite them here." She took no heed of his complaint.

"You say as if you're talking about strangers, they're your parents."

"I know who they are and you need to keep away from me." She shrugged his hand off.

"You didn't say that when I fucked you." He looked into her eyes.

Seoyun just stared back at him with an expressionles face, then got up and came to her room. 'So am just just like the rest of the women he has slept with.' She then convinced herself that she wasn't hurt by his remark.

Yoongi let out a sigh. 'I'll rather talk to a stone than to her. No, I wish I were a stone in my next life.'


Author's note: I know the chapter isn't much, hoping to update an interesting one soon.

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