Chapter Forty: I Love You, Draco Malfoy

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          "Tonight," Draco said from his infirmary bed.

          It was the last day of June and the attack on him left him in the infirmary for the whole month. I stayed with him every night and I nodded to him. I told him I was going to the common room before dinner and after dinner, we would go to the Room of Requirement together. I found Ginny and Ron in the common room.

          "Ron, it's time. Harry had lessons with Professor Dumbledore earlier today and I need the map and cloak," I said softly.

          Ron wasted no time and got it from their dorm room. While he was gone, I told Ginny the plan. I knew the time would come but this still felt too soon. Regardless, I had no choice but to think of every possible plan to protect him.

          "After dinner, go to the bathroom and put on the cloak. You'll be invisible and I need you to follow Draco and I into the Room of Requirement. I need the map to find Professor Snape and you need to get back to the common room," I explained.

          She understood. Ron gave me the map and cloak. I went upstairs and changed into jeans and a black hoodie. I strapped on my garter belt and took off my jewellery except for Cedrics's watch.

          I kissed it, "Please be with me tonight."

          I went to the Great Hall and ate dinner. Draco was also at his table. I gave Ginny the cloak and she excused herself. It was almost the end of dinner by the time Draco got up. I excused myself and followed Draco. We were walking together in the hallway and I turned around to see Ginny's hand peep out from under the cloak to tell me she was there. The map was in my back pocket. I held Draco's hand when we got into the Room of Requirement. He stood in front of the cabinet.

          "In an hour, I'm going to call them," he said softly.

          I knew Ginny couldn't hear him. I had her stand by the door for our escape route but she would be by me soon. In my other pocket was the Peruvian Instant Darkness Powder the twins gave me over summer. Please work.

          I took his hands, "We can't be together after tonight. My time with you has been wonderful, Draco. Thank you for all your love."

          We both started to cry and he squeezed my hands, "I don't want to break up with you, Mei."

          I kissed him softly, "We have to. We need to move on. We have to break up. I'm sorry, darling."

          He knew I was right and it broke our hearts.

          He kissed me deeply for the last time, "My first love and my first heartbreak."

          He turned around quickly, facing the cabinet, nearly breaking down. I was trying to stop crying and I stayed behind him. Ginny brushed my arm with the cloak. It was time. She took off the cloak to reveal her head. She watched me slice my other hand open with my wand and I covered it in my blood yet again.

          "I love you, Draco Malfoy," I said with my wand pointed at the back of his head.

          He didn't turn around, "I-"

          I interrupted through my tears, "Domine, memento mei, cum ego moriar."

          His memories of me went into my wand. He kept his memories from third year up until the end of fifth year. When I apologised for wasting his time is the last memory he'll ever have of me that was happy. He won't remember any love between us after that. He won't even remember our relationship this year. I was just some ex in his classes. My hand holding my wand was shaking and I activated the powder once I took all I could. Ginny grabbed me as she dragged me to the exit. The Room closed again before the dust settled and I never saw Draco's reaction.

Mei Potter, Year Six | Twin From AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now