Chapter Sixteen: Pairs

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          I looked up at the windows and saw Ron. He saw me and waved as I smiled back. I noticed Harry was staring at Ginny and I nudged him. We laughed and sloshed in the water, helping each other to not fall in.

          Ron's POV: I saw a flicker of colour in the lake and saw Harry and Mei. I smiled seeing her and waved. She smiled back at me and she did have a great smile. It was a relief to see Harry with her.

          I heard Ginny going downstairs and then yelling, "Mum? When's Harry going to get here?"

          My mom yelled back in the staircase, "Harry? Harry who?"

          Ginny yelled for me, "Harry Potter of course. Is Harry up with you, Ron?"

          I scoffed, "I would know if my best friend was with me."

          I knew he was downstairs with Mei and I started to head down when I heard Hedwig.

          "Is that an owl I heard?" Hermione yelled in the staircase.

           I almost forgot about her staying with us since she keeps herself in her own room. I heard Harry's voice and I rushed down. Mei was waiting for a hug from Ginny but I couldn't wait. I missed her.

          I hugged her and spun her around, "Kitty! Welcome back!"

          She held my face in her hands and she looked so happy. Ginny and Harry hugged for a while too. Hermione and my mum came down and Mei hugged the rest of us. It always felt better when we were all together.

          "Harry! Mei! Why didn't you tell us when you were arriving?" my mum asked them.

          Mei was glancing at me and smiled.

          "We didn't know. Dumbledore," Harry responded simply.

          Ginny and Hermione went up and my mum offered dinner to them.

         I reached over and pulled a leaf from her hair, "You got some leaves from outside."

         She blushed when she laughed and they went to eat together in the kitchen. I wanted to join them but my face was hot. I went upstairs and banged my head against the door. What am I doing? {END}

          Harry and I had our own rooms during our stay at the Burrow. I sat with the trio and they had some grim news. Mrs. Weasley didn't want Ron and Ginny to return to Hogwarts but Mr. Weasley talked her out of it. Hermione's parents also knew something was changing for the worse in the wizarding world.

          Ron saw I was worried and he nudged me, "It wasn't because of you, Kitty."

          Harry and Hermione were confused. I explained to them what I did to Isaac and they were speechless. It felt a lot worse saying what I did out loud compared to in my own head. Was what I did wrong?

          I put my head on Ron's shoulder, "I-I had to."

          Ron rested his head against mine, "It's ok, Kitty."

          Hermione shifted a bit and Harry didn't seem to mind. We were burning a ball of the Daily Prophet and I saw Draco and his mother's picture. Guilt filled me knowing that I had an oath to fulfill. Next week, we were going to Diagon Alley for our school supplies. I fell asleep against Ron and Harry helped him carry me to my bed. 

Mei Potter, Year Six | Twin From AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now