Chapter Thirty One: February

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          Harry and I spoke to each other only when we had to. Professor Dumbledore had another lesson with us in the coming week so Harry and I put our differences aside to focus on Lord Voldemort. We had Ginny and Hermione examine our old potions textbook because Ginny thought that the book was similar to Tom Riddle's diary. They told me about what happened in their second year.

          Since I was the only one who was able to talk to Moaning Myrtle without her getting upset, I did bring it up to her. She told me the same story that she told Harry and Ron all those years ago. When she pointed me to the sink, I debated about whether or not to open the Chamber of Secrets myself. I stood in front of the sink but couldn't look at my own reflection.

          Ron came in, "Kitty, please don't open it."

          I jumped, "I was just thinking about it."

          He laughed, "I know. We were only able to get out because of Fawkes."

          I touched the serpent on the sink, "I see."

          He led me out of the bathroom, "Let's go get something to eat."

          I knew Ron and I weren't awfully close and I wanted to keep my boundaries since I knew Hermione fancied him.

          "Ron, if I asked you to get something from Harry, would you?" I asked him on our way to the Great Hall.

          "That depends. What for and why?" he responded.

          I sighed, "Sometime in the coming months, I need the map and the cloak. I can't tell you why but I need you to trust me. I wouldn't have brought it up if I didn't trust you either."

          We linked arms, "I'll do it, Kitty. You just need to tell me when."

          I nudged him, "Thanks, Ron."

          Lavender was upset when she saw us coming into the Great Hall together and Ginny tossed me a green apple.

          "Any plans for Valentine's Day, Mei?" she asked.

          The apple was still in my mouth, "Aidnomaybthehagrd?"

          Ron took the apple out of my mouth and started to eat it, "Blimey, Kitty, what was that?"

          I scoffed as he ate my apple, "I said, I dunno, maybe see Hagrid?"

          We haven't seen Hagrid since we didn't take his class this year.

          Ron pulled me back up from our bench, "We should go now."

          I grabbed an apple, "What about Harry and Hermione?"

         Ginny answered, "They're still testing your textbook. Harry found some spells."

          Ron snorted, "Yeah, he used one on me and I was hanging upside down from my ankles. That book might make you better than Hermione, but I don't like it."

          I walked with Ron, 'How many more secrets is he keeping from me?'

          Hagrid was happy to see Ron and I when we stopped by. We explained to him that Professor McGonagall changed our classes as N.E.W.T. students. He understood and he told us about his old friend, Aragog. Ron met him and said he was a massive acromantula. Aragog had gotten sick and Hagrid was taking care of him. He thinks that he's dying but when I offered to come, Hagrid said no. Ron explained that Aragog's children would eat us since we weren't Hagrid. Hagrid told me about Grawp in the forest and the tensions with the centaurs last year and was now living in a cave in Hogsmeade. It was getting dark and Hagrid sent us off for our safety.

Mei Potter, Year Six | Twin From AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now