Chapter Thirty Eight: Truth

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          Professor Dumbledore was surprised to see us so late, but we were also surprised to see him still in his office. We gave him the memory and told us to come back in the morning. He wrote us slips that proved we were with him and that's why we're out so late to return to our common room. After we were dismissed, we ran into Aurors and they escorted us to the portrait. Inside, Ron and Hermione were asleep on the couch together. Harry and I smirked at each other and I hugged him.

          "I'm sorry I've been distant, Harry," I whispered to him, "I know you've been tracking us, but I need you to trust me. You're the only family I have left."

          He hugged me back, "It's ok, Mei. I'm sorry, too. I do trust you. I just worry about you because you are my family."

          We said our goodnights and went to our own beds. It was the weekend tomorrow so I didn't have to worry about classes. I fell asleep thinking about Draco. In the morning, Ginny was giving Ron grief about sleeping with Hermione in the common room and it felt good to tease her.

          "Not bad, right?" I teased her at breakfast.

          She threw a grape at me, "Oh, shut up."

          We laughed and Harry and I ate quickly and went to the headmaster's office. On the way there, I thought about the dark magic Tom Riddle brought up. I knew a lot about it but for Professor Slughorn to get as angry as he did, I had to know what it was. We poured in the memory and Professor Dumbledore joined us because he hadn't seen it either. The magic that Tom Riddle wanted to know about were Horcruxes. I have never heard of it before and it was explained that when you kill someone, your soul splits. You can then hide your soul into inanimate objects and make yourself essentially immortal. That's why Lord Voldemort survived without a full body for so long. Professor Dumbledore was putting all the pieces together at last.

          Harry knew that he had succeeded. The first Horcrux that was discovered and destroyed was Tom Riddle's diary in Harry's second year. The second Horcrux was the ring on the headmaster's desk. It was responsible for the damage on his hand. Harry and I touched it and we both saw images that belonged to Lord Voldemort's life. Harry cracked his neck and I felt my eyes blink differently. The headmaster was observing our reaction to it.

          In the memory, Tom Riddle asked if it was possible to split the soul 8 times. Assuming that he had succeeded, there were 6 more Horcruxes to find. We were told to focus on school and lessons ceased. Harry and I went back to the common room together.

          On the walk there, "Are you going to tell Ron and Hermione?" I asked.

          He nodded, "We are finally finding out how to defeat him."

          I nodded in agreement. There was a party in the common room for the Quidditch game because Gryffindor beat Ravenclaw. Ginny had broken up with Dean and she finally confessed to Harry. They've had feelings for each other and they kissed at the party. I rolled my eyes and saw Ron and Hermione eyeing each other. My heart ached without someone with me, but I knew the truth and where my loyalty lay. 

Mei Potter, Year Six | Twin From AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now