Chapter Thirty Four: Ron

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          Harry and I went to our lesson with Professor Dumbledore in the last week of February and saw another memory. It was a false memory that was muffled and it was of Professor Slughorn and young Tom Riddle in his Slug Club. You couldn't make out the conversation and we had to get the true memory from the Professor. Harry attempted and failed miserably. The professor began to avoid Harry and confronted me. I played dumb and he began to trust me more than Harry. I couldn't get any further with him despite that.

          March came along with Ron's birthday and he got a necklace from Lavender. He sat next to me, miserable at lunch. Lavender wouldn't come near us since she was afraid of me. Ron was appreciative of that.

          "Bloody hell, Kitty. What did you do to her to make her afraid of you?" he asked me.

          I pulled on his necklace, bringing his face closer to mine, "No clue."

          We heard her complain from her table and I let him go when he was turning red. I gave Ron my gift for his birthday. It was a set of fireworks from his brothers' shop that they were going to charge him double for.

          "Thank you, Kitty!" he exclaimed and kissed my cheek.

          Lavender cried out and stormed out of the Great Hall. Later that night, I was minding my own business on the couch in my pajamas when Harry came in late.

          "Another lesson?" I asked and he grunted as he walked past me.

          I was reading the old textbook from potions class and saw some of the spells. I have never heard of them but I wasn't dumb enough to try them like my brother. Suddenly, Harry was coming down with a very drunk Ron.

          "Hello, love, fancy a date?" he asked me, slurring his words.

          "Help me," Harry grunted.

          "What the hell, Ron?" I asked as I took his other arm over my shoulders.

          Ron was muscular and was a bit heavy, even with Harry's help, since Ron couldn't walk very well. We were going to Professor Slughorn's office and knocked.

          Ron was getting grabby with me, "Sir, our friend needs help. Please."

          The professor reluctantly let us inside but we were relieved that he did.

          Inside, Ron started to hug Professor Slughorn, "Drinks, darling?"

          I snickered and we were praised for bringing Ron here and he was relieved we didn't attempt to help him. Ron sat next to me and drank his tonic. Harry told me that Romilda Vane was trying to smuggle a love potion and Ron ate it instead. I couldn't imagine Harry under the same effects.

          Ron had no idea of what just happened when he came to. We laughed and just told him he had a powerful love potion. Professor Slughorn made sure that Romilda would be punished for developing a potion to smuggle to Harry. In good spirits, Professor Slughorn seemed to forgive Harry for his deception regarding Professor Dumbledore's task for us. The professor opened a bottle of Mulled Mead and it looked familiar to me. He gave a glass to Ron, then to Harry and I, and finally himself. I finally remembered the bottle too late as Ron drank it and he collapsed.

          I went to Ron and dropped my glass, "Ron! Ron! Look at me!"

          He was having a seizure and started to foam at the mouth.

          "Professor! Do something!" I screamed and was crying.

          Harry began going through the ingredient box that the professor was using for Ron's tonic.

          "Sweetheart! You're ok! Ron! You'll be ok!" I was holding his face and his eyes were rolling back.

          Harry found a bezoar and he was going to hold Ron down.

          I shoved it into Ron's mouth and forced it shut, "Please swallow it!"

          His seizing stopped but so did his breathing. I started to perform CPR and Harry was shocked at what I was doing. Please! Please don't die! I'm sorry! Ron took a gasp of air while I was on his chest and muttered something about girls killing him before he passed out. 

Mei Potter, Year Six | Twin From AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now