Chapter Twenty Three: September

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         I had the same classes with Ron and Harry: Charms, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Potions, Herbology, and Transfiguration. Harry and I haven't spoken because I was honestly hurt that he would rather want me to be alone than with Draco for Cedric's birthday. Draco had his hickeys on display after our night together and I hid mine. There were a lot of rumours surrounding him since he didn't take a bath like I did. He boasted about being an adult and having a lover. Ron and I bonded more over time.

          Professor Snape was the Defense Against the Dark Arts teacher and had already given Harry detention for talking back. Draco and I spent one night a week in my greenhouse either on Friday nights or Saturday nights. He told me that he became a Death Eater over summer and that one of the headquarters was his family's manor. I forgave him for not being able to contact me. I took his watch and cast a spell that left the only engraving as 'Mei'. He was upset about it but I told him that he would be stupid to leave a weakness like that in plain sight. I knew he had a reason to be here, but he didn't open up about it and I didn't want to force anything. Being with me helped his stress and he took a lot out on me during our steamy nights together. I learned a few adult things as well, such as performing oral on him. Even though our relationship was hidden, people had their theories about us.

          One night, Professor Dumbledore requested Harry and I to see him. The headmaster wanted us to see the past in his memories and for us to learn about Lord Voldemort. Harry had experience with the pensieve, but I hadn't. We saw a younger headmaster going to an orphanage and we met a young Tom Riddle. Harry and I still weren't talking and I had learned that I could talk to snakes through Parseltongue from the memory we had seen. Professor Dumbledore asks us to let Professor Slughorn collect us, the twins who lived, and we accept the task.

         On the walk back to the common room, Harry finally spoke to me, "You're seeing Draco, aren't you?"

          I scoffed, "I know what you're playing at. You have the map, you make your own conclusion."

          Harry grabbed my wrist, "Mei-"

          I yanked it away, "I won't let you use me, brother."

          I went ahead to the common room alone without him. I changed in the girls' dorm and went back downstairs. Ginny came down. She looked like she was crying.

          "I'll kill Dean," I muttered to her when she hugged me.

          I knew they'd been fighting.

          "Don't kill him, Mei," she pleaded.

          "Why shouldn't I?" I retorted.

          She snorted, "Cause it would make Fred sad if you were sent to Azkaban."

         I kissed the top of her head, "You've got a fair point. I'll see them during break."

          She fell asleep leaning on me and I soon fell asleep after her.

Mei Potter, Year Six | Twin From AmericaWhere stories live. Discover now