Chapter 45 [The Hidden Tribe Arc]: The Wedding Ceremony

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Maharlika's wedding ceremony would take three days to complete.

Apart from the requirement that she wear a blouse and skirt, Amara's outfit had nothing remarkable.

Amara and Raha Sitan were blessed by the Babaylan, Inang Sining, in her room on the first day. The pair didn't need to travel separately because they had previously sworn an oath to the gods and were merely participating in the ceremony for formalities.

In order to bless them in their marriage, the Babaylan prepared a plate of uncooked rice and united their hands.

It did not take very long to complete the rite. There were just blessings, prayers, and repeated warnings from the Babaylan to Raha Sitan not to put Gayuma on his wife's drink.

The wedding feast then got under way. For the people, Manong and his crew prepared a lot of food. The people of the Sitan tribe joyfully danced and rejoiced.

The following days of the ceremony would be spent with Raha Sitan and Amara in separate rooms. That was what Inang Sining requested of them in order to preserve the custom as much as possible. They can't help but comply with her requests.

They reunited with Inang Sining on the second day of the wedding ceremony. She chanted another prayer as they both knelt before her.

She turned to face Amara and pulled a blade from her pocket. "I need to draw blood from your chest, Apo Amara, so kindly open your blouse."

Amara turned to Raha Sitan, who only smiled at her. "Don't worry, my dear wife; it's all part of the ritual."

She took a deep breath and slowly opened her blouse to reveal Inang Sining. She felt the cold blade in between her breasts, then it dug into her skin. She could feel her blood flowing as Inang Sining mixed a spoonful of her blood on a wooden chalice.

"Apo Raha Sitan, you are next," the Babaylan said to Raha Sitan.

He only nodded and did what was asked of him. His blood is then mixed in another chalice.

Inang Sining gave Amara the chalice mixed with Raha Sitan's blood, and Raha Sitan received the one with Amara's blood. She then gave each of them a spoonful of cooked white rice.

"Now drink everything from the chalice," she said to them, muttering her prayer.

Amara inspected her chalice; it appears that the blood was only diluted in water. When she saw Raha Sitan drinking, she also did the same.

After finishing her drink, she dropped the chalice and collapsed to the floor, seeing an unknown memory.

The memory led her to a cave where there were two men. The first has long, unkempt hair. His grey eyes appear hazy, despondent, and soulless. The second man had his hair tied in a bun and was offering the man with long hair a bowl of water.

"Raha, please drink this water before they see you; please don't give up on me!" said the second man.

Amara realized the man with the long hair was Raha Sitan at that point.

But the color of his eyes were different here, and he appeared to be around nineteen or twenty years old.

Was this a flashback from before he became immortal?

Raha gave a wistful sigh to the man holding the bowl. "You must be deeply in love with me."

The man started to cry to him. "How could you poke fun when your life is already in danger, Raha? You're my friend, and I care about you!" he sobbed, continuing to scold him. "Just drink the damned water already!"

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