Chapter 17 [Evil Forest Arc]: The Oath to the Gods

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The annual Kapatiran Meeting is always held on the seventh day of the seventh month of the year.

This time, however, things will be different. The annual meeting will be held today, on the tenth day of the fifth month.

The infamous Apo Mumbaki is to blame for this abrupt change in schedule.

The meeting is held in the Hiraya tribe's dining hall. Thousands of delegates from various tribes across the Ligaya Continent came to attend.

The leaders of the main seven tribes sat at one table, attempting to restore peace through any means possible.

Others, on the other hand, spoke of how the Apo Mumbaki attacked the Hiraya tribe and nearly wiped them out, and how the brave Princess Amara sacrificed herself for her tribe.

"I heard the Apo Mumbaki summoned a thousand Maranhigs, and they littered across the territory," one whispered to another.

"And I heard it was only stopped when the Hiraya princess sacrificed herself to him."

"Gods! What do you think became of her now?"

"Oh! Oh!" shouted one. "I heard the Apo Mumbaki will torture her to death!"

"But I heard he wants to marry the Princess!"

A lot of people gasped upon hearing this utterance.

"Marry her?"

"Did you not know about the curse of the Apo Mumbaki?"

"I heard he said he is going to come back and snatch away the direct Hiraya woman and have her bear his children!"

A few elderly women wailed to express their sadness. "What awful fate for a young girl to have!"

From afar, Bagani and Lakandula Hiraya were talking to the tribe leaders of the seven main tribes.

"We must eliminate Raha Sitan at all cost," he said. "He attacked my territory and abducted one of my kin."

"But I heard you were not able to subdue him on time had it not been for your granddaughter's sacrifice," said Artemio Dalisay.

"Shouldn't we just let him loose for now?" Alon Bughaw, the leader of Bughaw tribe, suggested.

"Let him loose?" Abe Kalinaw exclaimed to disagree. "What if he suddenly attacked my tribe next?"

"I don't think the Apo Mumbaki is that kind of person," Alon Bughaw defended.

"Ha!" Carmela Dakila exhaled. "Is it because you are close to him during your childhood days that you are willing to turn your back on the Kapatiran's side?"

Alon Bughaw's face darkened. "I am not defending him, I'm just merely giving out a suggestion to prevent a possible war that could result to hundreds of thousands of deaths in a span of one night!"

"I agree with Alon Bughaw," said Maria Marikit. "Since the Apo Mumbaki has not done anything chaotic yet, we should observe his actions for now."

Lakandula Hiraya banged his fist in the wooden table. "And how about my daughter?"

Maria Marikit had a mischievous grin on her face. "I heard Apo Bagani Hiraya had an agreement with the Apo Mumbaki." The tribe leaders, except Malaya Humaling, gasped in disbelief. "He took Princess Amara so he wouldn't have to touch your precious tribe."

Bagani Hiraya clenched his fists. "Does that mean I should give up on my granddaughter and assume she's dead by now?"

"All the better," Maria Marikit replied. "Do not be too proud, Apo Bagani Hiraya. The Kapatiran was established to keep the Ligaya Continent peaceful. If we try to rescue the princess, I'm afraid a war will break out. You know the Apo Mumbaki's temperament better than anyone else."

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