Chapter 30 [Hidden Tribe Arc]: Brink of Death

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The Ahas sprang toward them as soon as Manong finished his sentence. Although it moved too quickly, Amara was still able to cast a spell in time.

She yelled "Bulan!" while raising her hand in the air.

Their immediate surroundings took on the shape of a full moon, and when the creature's head struck the shield, her hand began to tremble.

She was unable to resist the hit, but she was relieved that she was able to cast the spell because if not, both she and Manong would have perished by now.

The shield was short-lived since it flickered.

"Mother, get out of here!"

Amara struggled mightily to keep the barrier in place as her hand began to quiver more. "We'll flee together, Manong! I can't just leave you here!"

When the shield vanished, Amara seized Manong's hand and hauled him away in a hurry.

But when the Ahas's tail attacked them, Manong let go of her hand and began slashing his Kampilan in defense.

Manong tried to hit the Ahas for a few kilometers, but was unsuccessful.

They must summon a stronger person if he is unable to vanquish the monster. Amara considered utilizing the blue stone she previously acquired to get in touch with Raha Sitan, but she is unable to reach it on her pouch. She instead prayed to the deity she's most familiar with.

She shouted at the top of her voice, "Apo Bathala, Apo Bathala! Please help us." Only a groaning was the sky's reaction. "A monster is attempting to kill us; kindly intervene for us!"

"Mother, we cannot pray to the gods for miracle." Manong remarked as he ran and attempted to dodge the monster's blows. "If we don't get in touch with father right away, the beast will find its way to the Sitan tribe.

Amara became irate and yelled something shocking, but the deity will undoubtedly find it amusing. "Apo Bathala, I swear to the gods, if you rescue us, I will at finally make love to Raha Sitan once he returns!"

The moment she uttered those words, a bolt of lightning fell from the sky and struck the Ahas, knocking it to the ground. The ground shook so violently when the monster's body dropped that the mountains appeared to have moved a little distance from their original positions.

In irritation, Amara's lips twitch. Seriously, my relationship with Raha Sitan is the only thing that really matters to him. this cunning old man!

Manong's face froze in bewilderment as his mouth opened. "H-How did you-?"

She rolled her eyes towards the sky and said, "Don't ask, Manong." She desperately felt compelled to show her middle finger, but she knew she owed the deity their life.

Then, turning to face the monster, she nervously questioned, "Is that creature dead already?"

"I hope so," Manong said in response as he blocks his arms in front of Amara to protect her. "This creature just seems off in some way."

"What is it?"

Manong strained his eyes as he said, "I've been trying to prevent the monster's strikes since I thought it was also trying to kill me. But I discovered that it was only attacking you.

Amara felt a sudden wave of unease. "Manong, what does that even mean?"

"Mother, I believe someone is attempting to kill you."

She chuckled as she remarked, "What? Me? That's ludicrous, why would someone want to kill an insignificant being like me!"

"But mother, since you are Apo Raha Sitan's wife, it's probably one of his enemies who is intending to kill you," he replied.

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