Rise of the Golden Master

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Lloyd pov

"Again!" Nya says as I fire energy at the targets.

It's been about three hours and nya brought me to an empty part of ninjago beach to train.

"Now how do you feel?" She ask.

"Uh exhausted." I say wiping away sweat before drinking some water.

"In order for your power to not control you, you must release it."

"But nya even if I let out all this power it won't do anything, these seizures I have they just happen even if I'm out of energy." I say looking down.

Nya pov

"Hey, I thank that's enough for now, why don't we do something?"

"Like what?" He ask

"Why don't we go to Mega Monster Amusement park?" I ask.

"You mean like a date?" Lloyd ask his cheeks turning red.

I feel my cheeks blush as I try to hide it.

"Um... sure if you want it to be." I say smiling shyly.

Lloyd smiles nervously as he summons his dragon getting on and then reaching down to take my hand like a gentleman.

I smile gladly taking it as he helps me on his dragon, we fly off to Mega Monster Amusement park.


Lloyd pov

I laugh as we look throw the mirrors in the fun house and how ridiculous we both look.

This is the most fun I've had in a long time as where walking by one of the game booths I notice nya looking at a particular stoved bear.

"It's so cute Lloyd will you win it for me?" She ask giving me her best puppy dog eyes.

I blush and smile as I pick up the toy rifle to hit the moving targets, i smile it's a good thing I have good eye sight as I hit all three targets.

"Yes!" Nya says excited as the elderly man hands me the bear.

"Here you go give it to your girlfriend." He says smiling.

I blush at the word girlfriend.

"Thanks but she's not my girlfriend, where just... friends." I say.

"That's what they all say." He says chuckling as I give nya the bear.

"Here you go nya..." I say smiling.

"Aww thanks Lloyd." She says sweetly hugging the bear.

I smile at how adorable she looks holding the bear as we continue to walk around the Amusement park.

Nya pov

I smile hugging the bear Lloyd won for me.

This is so much fun it reminds me of the dates Jay used to take me on before him and Cole began fighting.

"Will i gess we should probably be getting back..."

"Yeah, but i enjoyed today, we should do this more often." I say smiling.

"I-i would like that..." he says blushing.

I smile as I place a hand on his cheek and look into his eyes and in that moment I accept that I am in love with Lloyd garmadon... as our heads move closer to each other this time no one interrupts us as our lips meet Lloyd puts his hands on the back of my hair as we kiss.

Lloyd pov

I kiss nya giving her all my love and passion as we release nya giggles her forehead on mine as we hold each other.

"Lloyd... I think I love you." She says.

I smile holding her close, this is the best day of my life!

"I love you to nya." I say trying to not cry.

Nya let's go and kisses me again which I gladly expect.

"Lloyd!, nya!"

We both pull apart and look to see both Jay and Cole standing in front of us.

"Oh no..." I hear nya whisper.

"What are you two doing here?" I ask holding nyas hand something that infuriates them especially Jay.

"What do you thank your doing kissing my girlfriend!" Jay yells at me.

"Your girlfriend?, I thank not!" Cole yells.

"Guys stop!" Nya yells going over to them as they begen to argue I feel the pain of the stinging wasp return worst then ever as I fall to my knees holding my head on the verge of screaming as it completely takes over...

Nya pov

I need to end this quickly before it gets out of hand as I remember what the venomari general told me...

"When the time comes you must put aside your feelings for the blue and black ninja if you truly care about Lloyd and wish to save him, you will let them go."

"Enough both of you!, I'm so tired of this I'm done with the both of you acting like little kids, all you two do is fight and I've had enough I don't like either of you anymore, I've chosen Lloyd!"

They both look at me stunned both looking heartbroken, Then suddenly the ground begens to shack violently.

"What the?... It's not me doing this!" Cole shouts throw the vibration.


I turn back to Lloyd his eyes glowing burning with rage as the sky begins to turn dark as lightning strikes the ground around us, people scream running away as far as they can to avoid Lloyd's wrath.

"Lloyd stop!" Jay yells.

"That's not Lloyd, its his powers there taking him over!"

Lloyd then suddenly takes hold of both of Jay and Cole picking both of them useing some kind of telekinesis as he begins to choke both of them as they struggle to breathe.

"Lloyd stop!" I scream begging him to stop his rampage.

Lloyd then shots energy at Jay and Cole as they both scream flying out of the Amusement park.

"Hahaha!" Lloyd looks at me a twisted evil smile on his face.

"Lloyd stop this please this isn't you..."

Lloyd's growls as his body begins to turn gold as his face begens to transform into that of an Oni and grows an extra pair of arms!

"There is no Lloyd, there is only the golden master..."

And with that Lloyd blast me with his powers as everything goses dark...

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