
Start from the beginning

Sasuke gave Naruto the finger, "It feels okay having a family again."

"Just okay?"

"It's more than okay. It feels goddamn amazing. They get on my nerves and bring out a side of me that I didn't even know I had. I still wouldn't trade them for anything in this world. And Hinata...she's just incredible in her own way."

"Can I ask you a question?"

"You just did but you can ask me another," Sasuke said with a small chuckle.

Naruto smirked, "What the hell, you bastard?"

"Sorry, I got that from Neji," Sasuke couldn't help but smile, "Or maybe he got it from me. Who knows?"

"If Itachi and Neji never came here and told you about the future, what would be your thoughts on Hinata?"

"You're acting as if she's always been invisible to me. Invisible? No. Unattainable? Absolutely. I've always thought it was the Uchiha bad luck. Every girl in the village wanted me besides the one that I didn't find annoying."

"Not every girl," a slightly jealous Naruto mumbled to himself.

"I don't deserve Hinata," Sasuke walked over to the seat in front of the desk, "The truth is I probably never will deserve her. My hands are too dirty for her."

"I agree. You're a piece of shit compared to that angel. Contrary to popular belief, she's way out of your league," Naruto exclaimed confidently.

"This is probably the only time I'll ever say this but you're not exactly wrong."

"So I'm right?"

"I said you're not wrong."

"So I'm right?"

"Don't push your luck."

"It was worth a shot," Naruto donned a toothy grin.

"If she knew about my past, she'd be repulsed. I wouldn't blame her for thinking I'm a monster."

Naruto scoffed, "You think she doesn't know your life story? Sakura told Ino and she told every villager who visited the flower shop. The whole village knows your story."

"That's just gossip. Hinata doesn't know what truly aspired in my life. I don't think I'd ever want her to know all the terrible things I've done."

"Nope! She definitely knows. The gossip came from a reliable source."

"Sakura wouldn't know everything that's happened to me...unless a dumbass hokage spilled all of my secrets," Sasuke glared at Naruto.

Naruto gulped, "On the bright side, at least you know Hinata accepts you for who you are. Crappy past and all."

Sasuke massaged his temples, "Maybe I should distance myself from her. Hinata deserves someone kind, patient, and who knows how to be affectionate. That someone is not me."

"So you're telling me you'd be fine if Hinata ended up with someone else? The Itachi and Neji you know wouldn't even exist. You wouldn't mind someone taking your restored clan away from you?"

Sasuke looked away, "I'd slice that bastard in half."

"Exactly what I thought. You can't say you don't deserve Hinata but still not want her to be with anybody else. The thought of her being with anybody else is revolting to you."

Sasuke closed his eyes in thought, "She deserves happiness. Hinata told me she was in love with me but I don't know if she just said that because of our children together."

"She said that?!"

"Yeah. I'm still in disbelief too. I don't know if I can be what she needs. She told me that her newfound family gives her hope for a brighter future. Her smile stretched from ear to ear."

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