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"I screamed at Hinata."

"You," Naruto dropped his pen in shock, "yelled at Hinata? The byakugan princess? Konoha's angel? Soft spoken, would never hurt a fly? That Hinata?"

Sasuke rolled his eyes in annoyance, "It was in the spur of the moment. I don't know what came over me."

Jealousy. Unreasonable anger. Regret. Confusion. The list went on and on in Sasuke's conscience. Inner Sasuke was promising not to behave so rashly when it came to Hinata anymore.

"You screamed at Hinata? There's a special place reserved in hell for you," Naruto confidently said, "I don't care if you're rude to little grandmas, newborn babies, Sakura but Hinata! That's where I draw the line."

Sasuke immediately perked up, "Why? What's your relationship with her? Is there something you're not telling me?"

So much for not being rash when it came to Hinata.

"I know you weren't there but she saved my life during the war. She jumped in front of me without any hesitation whatsoever."

"That was when her cousin died, right?"

"She jumped in front of me and he jumped in front of us. It was cause and effect. I never understood why she protected me. I should've died instead of that genius. He was very important to her."

"I think he still is. You never wondered her why she put her life in danger for you?"

Naruto shrugged as he continued to doodle on a probably important paper, "Hinata claims I changed her life but I don't know what the hell that means. Maybe she was in love with me or something, right?"

"That's what I've always thought. I remember she was always blushing around us and would always magically be around when you were there."

Naruto sent Sasuke a bewildered look, "I was completely kidding! You and I were always together so maybe it was you she wanted."

"That's a crazy theory," Sasuke shook his head in disbelief, "What if she's still pining after you and I become just a rebound in the future?"

Naruto ruffled his blonde locks, "I know it's hard to compete with these dashing good looks but you don't have to worry. I'm just her friend."

"She already has three friends. She doesn't need anymore."

"Three friends?"

Sasuke nonchalantly rose up three fingers, "Itachi. Neji. Me. That's all the friends she needs. So you and her fan club president, Kiba, can just fuck off."

Naruto burst out laughing, "Do you know how ridiculous you sound?!"

"Yes, I know! I know! I don't know what's gotten into me," Sasuke dug his handsome face into the crevice of his elbow, "I'm not entitled to her in any way. I even told her in the beginning that she wasn't obligated to act like a mother or a wife."

"So I'm still not understanding why you're so upset."

"I don't know what's going to happen between Hinata and I when the kids leave. Will we go back to being strangers or just automatically marry?"

"You're usually way more confident than this. Cocky even. Suddenly, you're terrified of every fork in the road," Naruto figured out on his own, "Where are your three C's? You gotta stay cool, composed, and calm."

Sasuke's lips turned upwards, "Once you have kids, the only three C's you know are crazy, cocky, children."

"You really took this dad role seriously," Naruto shuddered, "I can tell by your terrible dad jokes."

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