𝘕𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘮𝘰𝘳𝘦, 𝘯𝘰𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘯𝘨 𝘭𝘦𝘴𝘴

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"Dad, this is cold! I can't eat it," Neji pushed his bowl towards Sasuke.

"Me too," Itachi proclaimed as he repeated Neji's actions.

Sasuke rolled his eyes despite the smile on his lips, "Ayame! I'm going to need two more bowls of ramen for two very annoying little boys. And another bottle of sake for me. I'm going to need it."

The next day, Sasuke was in a heated board game with Itachi and Neji. Sasuke bought groceries and several of their necessities so they wouldn't have to be in the public eye as much. The groceries were mostly junk food but the new dad didn't know what was healthy for little boys and what wasn't. He had purchased a few games so the twins wouldn't bother him as often. In the end, he was just as engulfed in the games as they were. Neji slammed his hands over to his father's wad of fake money, "Hand it over, sore loser."

Sasuke shook his head in denial, "There's no way you beat me. You must've cheated."

Itachi giggled as his hands dipped into the large bowl of chips in the middle of the table, "He won fair and square dad."

Sasuke and his kids were having a lazy day. They were snacking on junk food laid all over the table as they played the game.

"There's no possible way that I've lost every single round to a pair of six year olds. I want a rematch," Sasuke went and took his fake money back.

"This will be your seventh rematch in the past hour, dad. But if you want to keep playing, I don't mind at all," Neji gloated, "I love being a winner."

"Your streak is going to end soon, I promise you that," Sasuke moved all their pieces to the beginning of the game, "We're starting a new game!"

"What?! We weren't done with the game yet. I was winning."

"You weren't winning. You were cheating. There's a big difference," Sasuke stated matter of factly as he shuffled the cards.

Itachi laughed at how silly his dad was being, "Dad's just mad because he was losing. You can't just restart the game while we're in the middle of it. That's against the r-rules, dad."

"My house. My rules," Sasuke nonchalantly said as he passed out the cards.

The door bell rang and Sasuke shook his head, "It's probably Naruto avoiding being the hokage once again."

Itachi pointed at the door, "Do you want me to go get the door, dad?"

"No way. Naruto will go ballistic if he sees all the food I got for you boys. We'll just be quiet and he'll eventually go away. I do it all the time," Sasuke informed them as he looked through his cards.

"Winner goes first," Itachi smiled at his older brother.

"I call next," Sasuke exclaimed as he eyed Neji.

"Like always," Itachi teased.

"That's fine," Neji threw down a card, "Next player loses three turns."

Sasuke gaped at his son and yelled, "How are you doing that?! What tricks do you have up your sleeve? How?!"

Their visitor knocked on the door as soon as Sasuke finished having his fit. Sasuke threw his cards on the table and shook his head, "I'm not playing with cheaters anymore."

"Dad sucks at these games," Itachi nudged at his brother.

Sasuke turned his head back towards his snickering children as he opened the door, "I heard that, you brat."

He opened the door to reveal a smiling Hinata with several bags in her hands. Sasuke's eyes widened and he slammed the door on her face. He put his back against the wall and fixed his bed head and checked his breathe. Sasuke coughed and opened the door once again, "Sorry about that. Neji accidentally closed the door on you."

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