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The last of the Uchiha peeked in the bathroom on his way to the living room. The two rugrats were extending their necks to brush their teeth over the sink. They turned to face him with white foam dripping from their mouths. Itachi smiled at his father from ear to ear.

Sasuke's eyes dropped to the floor and continued to walk to the living room. It was hard to accept that these children were a part of him. The resemblance was undeniable. He threw the blanket over the couch and sat down on it to think.

How was he supposed to take care of these two kids when all he's ever taken care of was himself? How was he supposed to be a single father so unexpectedly? He didn't know a single thing about parenting. Besides, the mystery of their mother still remained.

Relief washed over his body when Sasuke remembered there was no way Sakura was their mother. One could only hope their child wouldn't come out as annoying as their parents. Neither of their names had Ino in them so it couldn't have been the gorgeous blonde. Everyone knew that the InoShikaCho combination had been around for generations. He wouldn't have the effort nor patience to fight Suigetsu for Karin.

Was it Tenten? She wasn't too bad with a kunai but then Lee would be around Sasuke too much. If Sasuke had to deal with Naruto and Lee on a daily basis, he'd go mad. He wouldn't make that sand chick give up her village for him. Who the hell would Sasuke end up with?

The only woman Sasuke's ever been interested in has never even looked his way so 'she' was definitely out of the question. Sasuke had thrown away the thought of them ever being together. He was now fully aware that Naruto would not end up with Hinata. It gave him a sense of contentment.

Hinata was the definition of perfect. From her kind demeanor to her cute stutter. The sad excuse of a hokage most definitely did not deserve her. And that was definitely not Sasuke's envious side talking. He would treat Hinata a thousand times better than Naruto. This was just a silly theory. Hinata showed absolutely no interest in him. It was all about Naruto for her.

So Sasuke didn't care nor over think it. She was automatically out of the question.

Besides, there's no way his pride would ever let him be a rebound.

"I wonder," Sasuke mumbled mostly to himself as he pondered over all the women in the village.

"What are you thinking about, daddy?"

"He's probably thinking about how to get rid of us," Neji coldly answered to his brother clad in identical pajamas.

"If I wanted to get rid of you, I would've done so already," Sasuke rolled his eyes at his rude son, "You boys can sleep in my room for the time being. Hopefully this month goes by fast."

Itachi and Neji high fived each other in excitement. They ran back up the stairs and into Sasuke's bedroom. Their father had a small smile playing on his lips as he followed behind them.

They were kind of cute.

"I wish we had found mom first but I guess this is okay too," Neji complained as he jumped onto the king sized bed.

Sasuke's eyebrow twitched.

They were also kind of annoying.

He watched as Itachi slipped under the covers. Itachi took off his hair tie and let his long hair hang loose. He snuggled into the sheets with his thick glasses still on.

His father raised his eyebrow at his youngest son, "Aren't you going to take off your glasses to sleep?"

A poker faced Neji immediately sat up and threw Sasuke the coldest glare possible, "If he wants to sleep with his glasses on, he can and he will. His eyes are sensitive. Got it? Got it. Good."

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