Chapter 18: Nick

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 "... Consider any recommendations you give." The headmaster says.

Suspended for two weeks. That seemed fair but I had two differing sides when it came to this. One side of me wants Harry to be punished as much as possible, but the other side of me wants to be able to forgive him for what he did to me. I look over at Charlie to see what he thinks.

Reading my mind, he says, "It's up to you Nick. It's you that he hurt."

I nod, knowing he's right. I stay silent for a minute, thinking of a response.

"You don't have to answer right now, take a few days to decide."

I nod, "Ok, thank you sir."

"Of course, let me know if you need anything else from me."

We walk out of the office, and back to form. We passed some of the rugby boys in the hall. They don't dare to look at me. I think I was more mad at them then I was at Harry. Sure Harry was the mastermind, but they all stood by in solidarity.

"That's right, don't look at me. Cowards." I say flashing all of them a glare.

The rest of the day is filled with people asking if I was okay, or just telling me that they were on our side. I could have never hoped for such a response.

"Are you ready to go home?" Charlie asks.

Home. Home has a different meaning now that Charlie is staying with me. Before all of this Charlie was my home. The person I can talk to about anything, and just do everything with. He is my home, and I hope he feels the same way about me.


I look at Charlie and just take a second to observe him. His curly brown hair, his bright blue eyes, and his little button nose. He's so beautiful, and I love him so much. I give him a kiss and grab his hand as I pull away.

"What was that for?" He giggles.

I smile, "I just love you."

Charlie smiles and kisses my nose, "I love you too."

"Ok, let's go home."

When we get home from school we have a small snack and then head up to my room. I walk in first but turn around to see Charlie walk in behind me. It's at this moment I finally realize hes been wearing my uniform all day at school. It was too big of course, but the way it draped over him, well it makes the mind wonder.

"What are you looking at Nelson?" Charlie remarks. He knows that I'm staring.

"Oh nothing, just how attractive you look in my clothes". I say scanning my eyes up and down.

However, I stop myself from getting closer. I didn't want to take advantage of him. Who would I be to do that to Charlie with what has happened the past couple of days. He notices my hesitation, and steps to me.

"Is something wrong?"

Yes. No. No because I thought he was really hot and I wanted to rip everything off of him and have my way. Yes because the past couple days have been traumatic, and who would I be if I took advantage of that vulnerability.

"It's just- you look really good." I say.

I can tell this makes Charlie blush a little. I know he doesn't think that way of himself right now, so he needed to hear it.

"Thank you, love." He says back to me, now his hand grabbing the back of my neck and pulling me into a kiss.

God it feels like forever since we've kissed. I fell into the kiss naturally, finding the rhythm that suited both of us. It was slow and deep, and we took the time to make it feel good for each other. However, I pull away.

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