Chapter 9: Charlie

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What I meant was I love you, but I couldn't say that. Not yet. It's too soon, and he definitely doesn't feel the same way.

"You're starting to bruise Nick." I lightly graze his eye where the bruise is forming.

"I kinda forgot I got punched if we are being honest." He winced a bit.

"Would you be fine if I came round your house after school?"

Nick looks at me.

"I think that can be arranged."

—------time skip to Nick's house—----------

Instead of going straight up to his room, I head to the kitchen to see if there is any type of ice to put on his eye. As much as I appreciated him standing up for me, his stupid self got hurt. Ben deserved it though. Seeing him again in the bathroom made everything come back to me. Ahh, peas, that should work. I walk back up the stairs, and see Nick lying down with a blanket over his head.

"Nick? Hey, is everything okay?" I say.

I hear a slight mumble and then this,

"My head. It hurts. Bad," He says.

"I'm gonna get you some medicine ok?"

I go to walk away and Nick grabs my arm.

"Wait no, just lay with me please."

I don't even respond, I just lay down next to him. He lays his head on my chest and soon falls asleep. I've never seen him like this. He's just in so much pain, and I feel bad since it's because of me. Almost as if Nick could hear my thoughts, he stirs awake. He looks up at me and his expression quickly becomes concerned.

"Hey, what's wrong?"

I snap out of it quickly.

"What? Nothing."

Nick sits up.

"Charlie." He says clearly not believing a word I say.

"I just feel bad because you're in pain, and it's all my fault. I should've stopped you from even going and talking to Ben in the first place, or I should've just not cried about it because it was dumb anyway-"

"Charlie, stop. None of what has happened is your fault, it was that absolute fucking prick that hates himself so much that he's able to pick on someone as amazing as you. He knows he's never going to be as confident in himself as you are, and it has absolutely nothing to do with you. You are literally the best person I've ever met, and I hate that you don't see yourself the way that I see you."

I didn't even realize I was crying until Nick wiped a tear off my cheek. All of the sudden as he wipes the tears from my cheek, his hand wraps around my face and pulls me in. A kiss, just like the others before. We pull away and look at each other with the look that we always do. Something is different though.

"Do you believe me?" Nick asks.

I answered his question by putting my hand on his neck and pulling him into me. This kiss was different from the other ones. There was so much emotion being poured into it. Sadness, happiness, fear, but also love. So. Much. Love. God I love him so much. Nick grabs my waist and pulls me onto his lap. Earlier in the clinic I didn't think we could physically get any closer. I was wrong. Nick leans into me more trying to make sure there's absolutely no space between us. He kisses me harder and I literally get dizzy. I kiss him back even harder and push us down onto the bed. This definitely took him by surprise and he gasped. Not a gasp for air, but a gasp for more. I wrapped my arms around him and attempted to pull him closer if that was humanly possible. All of the sudden I was flipped onto my back and Nick was on top of me. Nick looked at me and I looked back shocked.

"Too much?"

"Oh god no."

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