Chapter 8: Nick

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I don't think I have ever been so excited to go to school on a Monday morning. It had been a solid 8 hours since I'd seen Charlie, but I already missed him. I got to form way earlier than usual, which was sort of counter-intuitive since Charlie never gets there early. I'm always excited to see Charlie in the mornings, but this was a whole different kind of excitement. All of the sudden I looked up from my phone and there he was. The room in my mind got brighter as he walked through the door. He sits down next to me, and smiles.

"Hi." He says

My smile widened.

"Hi." I say back.

Charlie looked at my hand that was laid on the desk a little unsure. I know exactly what he's thinking, he's worried about how I feel about being out at school. I silence the thoughts in his head by grabbing hold of his hand and smiling at him. I swear his eyes literally sparkled.

"Are you sure?" He asks.

I know he is asking because of what happened with Ben.

"I'll never give up the chance." I say.

He smiles again, but it was a different kind of smile. It was a mix of happiness and relief all at once. I love that smile. I meant what I said. I had wasted all this time already, there was no way that I would let anything slip between the two of us. He then leaned his head on my shoulder and we just sat there in comfortable silence until the teacher started calling the register.

—----------time skip after class—-------------

Charlie and I were walking in the hallway hand in hand. A couple of people flashed looks, but honestly I don't think anyone took it as much of a surprise. We had always been so close, it wasn't out of the realm of possibility for anyone to think that we would ever get together. Luckily for me I finally figured it out. Harry and his mates walked by us, and they did more than flash us an odd look.

"Oye mate, looks like Charlie finally turned you gay."

Charlie immediately dropped my hand and looked to the floor. Hell no, absolutely not.

"Oh, are you jealous?" I replied.

Harry turned very red and just stuttered and walked away. I look back at Charlie and he looks so shocked.

"What?" I question.

"J-jus-just, th-that was really hot."

I smirked, "Oh was it now?"

"Shut up." He says, cheeks bright red now.

I take his hand again and continue walking. We head outside to go eat lunch and Charlie lets me know he's gonna run to the bathroom real quick. While he's gone I grab a table for us to sit at. I notice he's taking a while and I get worried, and as I'm getting up to go check in on him, I see him walking towards me in tears. I run towards him and he crashes into me as I wrap my arms around him..

"What the hell happened?" I whisper, trying not to draw attention.

"B-Ben, h-he..."

That was all I needed to hear. I stormed into the school as Charlie chased after me. I walk through the doors and see Ben laughing and talking to his friends.

"What's so fucking funny Ben? Go on, tell me, what the hell is so funny?" I say, getting closer to him.

"Nothing to get so worked up over, just laughing at this pathe-"

I cut Ben off by throwing him against the lockers.

"What the fuck did you just call him?"

"Come on mate, no need to get aggressive."

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