Chapter 23: Charlie

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I walked through the door of my house and I was immediately brought back to reality. The smell of my house hit me, and I realized how long I had been gone. It didn't dawn on me that I had left Tori and Oliver behind for the past two weeks. I was selfish and did it to spite my mum. That wasn't fair to them. Tori and I would have to talk this out, and for Oliver, well I owe him a lot of extra cookies. No one is home, they must all be at my grandparents house, but I enjoyed the quiet. Nick had seemed pretty shaken up when I left. Maybe I didn't realize how important those two weeks were for him as well. Walking into my room, a slight smile comes across my face. I truly did miss being home. I walk over to my bed and my mood turns sour. I see the scissors laying on my bed, where I left them two weeks ago, and I'm brought back to that day. I can hear the things my mom said to me. I can hear Tori talking through the door to me, trying to get me to open it. Even though my mom apologized, and I forgave her, the damage has been done, and it's going to take time for me to fully heal. One step at a time. I lay down in my bed for about 20 minutes when...

Call from Harry


That was odd. Harry would never call me. Probably just called to tease me about how he met up with Nick.

Call from Harry

I hesitate.


I am not dealing with this right now.

Call from Harry

Alright fuck it.

Charlie: "What the hell do you want?"

Harry: "Charlie somethings wrong"

Charlie: "If you're just calling me to make a joke I'm not-

Harry: "Please I'm being serious. Something is wrong with Nick.

I noticed his voice quivered. Something must have actually been wrong.

Charlie: "Harry what's wrong? What happened?"

Harry: "He just—he—I was"

Charlie: "Come on Harry spit it out!"

Harry: "Nick just started hyperventilating and then passed out and I can't get him to wake up"


Charlie: "I'm on my way."

I hang up the phone and sprint down the stairs, barely getting my shoes on. I run faster than I ever had, on the verge of panic the entire time, until I reach the park. I frantically look around, trying to spot Nick and Harry, until I see Harry, waving his arms at me.

"What the hell did you say?" I practically yell at Harry, kneeling down next to Nick.

"I was just trying to-"

I turn around and see the look on his face. He is completely drained of color, tears forming in his eyes. I soften my expression.

"Apologize." he finally manages to say.

"Look this does not mean I forgive you in any way, but I know this is a lot. This really took a toll on Nick, and I think you finally understand that. How about you just go home and we can talk about this another day. I don't think Nick needs to see you when he wakes up." I say.

Harry doesn't say anything back to me. I see him nod and turn around, walking shakily back towards whatever direction his house was.

I turn all my attention to Nick. His heart is still beating really fast. I put my hand to his heart, and whisper into his ear.

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