Chapter 1: Charlie

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"Am I overthinking this?" I ask as I flop onto my bed.

"That's your main personality trait, so yes." says Nick sitting next to me on the edge.

I've known Nick since Year 10 at Truham. He was my friend when I felt like no one else understood what I was going through. I had a slight crush on him for a couple months, but when I realized he was straight and had no chance, I let it go...mostly. Part of me will always adore Nick in that way, but I will always prioritize our friendship. He is right though, overthinking is my specialty.

"Yeah yeah yeah, I know I know. I can't help it. I'm just worried he won't like me."

"Ben is going to love you, he'd be lucky to have you."

Ben Hope is his name. He's in Year 13 with Nick, and he seems like the perfect guy. He's smart, funny, and seems to genuinely like me, at least I hope he does. This is the first time a boy has ever reciprocated feelings for me, and I couldn't tell you how I really feel. Most boys at Truham see my sexuality as a novelty, and not something to take seriously. It was really hard for me when I was outed at school last year, but Nick helped me through it. My other friends were there too, but not in the way he was. Nick would come over just to make sure I was doing okay. I call him my supportive straight friend as a joke, but if I am being completely honest he is my best friend.

"Shut up," I yell as I throw a pillow at Nick.

"Rude!" Nick screams as he throws a pillow back.

We end up having an all out pillow fight which ends in me getting pushed off the bed.

"OH MY GOD Charlie I'm SO SORRY!"

"Nick it's fine, I sorta started it." It's moments like these I wish Nick wasn't straight. He helps me off the ground and checks to see if I'm okay. While he does this I notice the way he looks at me, but Nick is a naturally caring person anway. Some would say a human golden retriever. I'm probably just overthinking the way he's looking at me right now. Totally. Definitely overthinking it. He soon snaps out of...whatever that was, and starts talking about rugby practice.

"You know I was thinking about that one time you got absolutely wrecked during a rugby match your first year, do you remember?"

"Yes, vividly actually." I say thinking back.

It was the rainiest match we had all season, and I was just starting to get comfortable with tackling. The team was counting on me to at least attempt, so I did. Did it end up well? No.

"I remember you carrying me into the clinic, and helping me out" I say.

As Nick knocked me off the bed just a couple of minutes ago, I saw the same concern I saw that day on the field.

"Well I didn't want you to die, so, you're welcome."

"Wow, so chivalrous." I roll my eyes at him.

"Of course, anytime." Nick says as he pretends to kneel like a knight.

Nick isn't like his other friends. Half the time he says he doesn't even like them that much. I can see why, but I never want to be the reason why someone loses their friend. Most of them are nice, so I think he should give them the benefit of the doubt. It's not everyday you see a gay rugby player at an all boys school.

"CHARLIE!" My mom calls from downstairs.

"WHAT?" I yell back.


"OKAY AND YES!" I yell. "Come on, let's go downstairs." I say as I start to walk out the door. 

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