Chapter 16: Nick

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I haven't heard from Charlie since yesterday, and I'm really worried. He won't answer my calls or texts, so I decide to go over to his house. I know he finds it easier to shut people out when he's having a hard time, but I'm going to be there for him anyways. I walk up to Charlie's door and ring the doorbell. Charlie's mom opens up the door and I smile at her. She opens the door and glared at me.

"What are you doing here?" She asks, not a trace of sympathy in her voice.

"Um, I'm here to see Charlie," I respond.

"He won't be seeing you today."

"Oh, is he ok? He hasn't been responding to me."

"Oh he'll be fine, as long as you stay away."

I give her a confused look, "What?"

"Don't play dumb, you know exactly what I'm talking about."

"I-I'm really sorry. If this is about the video-"

"It's not just about the video. It's everything. Charlie was perfectly fine and normal before you came along, but now he's some sick mess."

I feel anger bubbling up inside of me. How dare she talk about Charlie like that?

"What are you talking about?"

"Please, you know exactly what I'm talking about. Charlie is a perfectly normal kid, but he hangs out with you for a few months and all the sudden he can't eat and is anxious all the time. You seriously expect me to believe that bullshit."

My fists start balling up.

"Look, I know you're angry, but that doesn't give you the right to talk to me like this. I'm done with this conversation, I'm here to see Charlie."

"No, I won't allow you to see him, go home."

And with that she shuts the door in my face. What the actual fuck was that? Charlie's mom has always been a bit more on the stern side, but that was a whole new level. That was absolutely crazy. How can she seriously sit there and blame Charlie's eating disorder on me when I'm one of the few people who actually actively works on helping him through it. All she does is try to force feed him like he's some kind of baby bird, incapable of chewing his own food. I can't believe she won't even let me see him. I know I'll see him Monday at school, but I want to talk to him now. It's not like him not to answer his messages, and I need to make sure he's ok. I know Charlie's mom is mad right now, but I have to trust that she won't let anything bad happen to him.

—-----time skip—--------

It's officially been two days since I've seen or even spoken to Charlie, and I'm losing my mind. I'm just so worried about him because I know how he is, and right now is a really bad time for him to be alone. My phone rings, and it's not Charlie, but instead his sister Tori, I pick up my phone and answer.

Me: Hey Tori, what's wrong?

Tori: I heard what my mum said, but you need to come over.

Me: Has something happened?

Tori: I wouldn't know, but Charlie has been locked in his room for the past two nights, and he won't let me in.

Me: Oh god, no.

Tori: He needs you right now.

Me: I know, but your mom made it clear that I was not going to see him.

Tori: Do you know the tree on the side of the house?
Me: Yeah, why?

Tori: If you climb the tree high enough you can reach my window, I sneak out all the time, and I'll make sure to be waiting for you when you get there.

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