Chapter 3: Charlie

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Monday morning is my literal enemy. Truly, if it wasn't for form with Nick I would just sleep in and come late. However, I promised Nick that I wouldn't leave him alone to fend for himself. I walk into school, and I get a text from Ben.

Ben: Could you meet me in the Library?

I was running a bit behind, but I don't see why not.

Me: Yeah, I'll be right there.

Instead of taking my normal left turn down the corridor, I take a right to head to the library. Maybe he wants to cancel the date? Tell me he's not interested anymore? To leave him alone? My god, I need to stop. Nick would tell me to stop. I enter through the doors of the library and I see Ben. It's just the two of us in there.

"I feel like it's been forever since I've seen you," Ben says, stepping towards me.

"I saw you Friday, it was only two days ago." I giggle.

His smile tells me that my overthinking was wrong.

"Are you excited for this weekend?" I ask.

"Of course I am. Why? Do you not think I am?" He says, getting a bit defensive.

"No! It's just that this is my, you know, first date." I say, trying to be as reassuring as possible.

"No, of course, um, I have to get to class." He says.

As he walks away, he pecks my cheek and I hear the doors close behind me. OH MY GOD! BEN HOPE JUST KISSED ME ON THE CHEEK! I rush to form since I'm about to be late, and Nick was blowing up my phone. I walk in and sit down next to Nick just before the bell rings.

"Where have you been? Nick asks.

"Uh, uh, so I just saw Ben." I stutter.

"Andddddd?" Nick asks.

I whisper into his ear what happened.

"Just saying I told you so." He says, crossing his arms.

Nick was always right about things working out. He is always there to calm me down and talk me through my stupid intrusive questions.

"Okay, do you want me to say it?" I ask while rolling my eyes.

"Yes, go on."

"You were right," I say.

"Thank you, I know," He says leaning back in his chair.

As he leans back in his chair, it well, it slips underneath and he hits his head on the counter behind us.

"Now look who's taking who to the clinic," I say as Nick walks closer to me.

"Well I just needed an excuse to get out of class that's all," He says.

"Sure," I say.

No concussion thankfully, nothing an ice pack from the nurse won't fix. Nick was off balance a bit though. He stumbled into me, therefore pushing both of us into a locker.

"Sorry!" We say at the same time.

"Don't apologize! It was my fault," Nick says as he regains his balance.

"Sorry," I reply

"Stop saying sorrrryyyyy."


"Nope, you're not allowed to say sorry anymore."

I would be lying if I said being pushed up against a locker with Nick Nelson wasn't interesting. If something like this had happened 2 years ago, I probably would've self-destructed on the spot, but now, it feels different than it would have then. More, I don't know, natural.

"Come on, let's get back before they think we're actually skipping," I say, motioning my head toward the classroom.

"Ugh. Fine," Nick says, as he walks slowly behind me with his icepack on his head. 

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