"You won't allow it?" Sebastian scoffed.

Harvey shook his head, "It's my duty to you as your best friend to make sure that you look your best tonight."

"It really isn't-"

"Then it's my duty to Declan." Harvey smiled slyly, "Consider it my birthday present to him; making sure you look good enough to eat-"

"Please stop-"


Sebastian groaned, grimacing as he scanned the endless racks of colourful shirts. He sighed in defeat, "You can pick out one thing." He said sternly, "No patterns."


"And no bright colours-"


"And no short sleeves."

Harvey scowled at him, "You're making this quite difficult."

"God, I hope so."

Harvey sighed heavily, "Challenge accepted."

As Sebastian watched Harvey flick through hundreds of shirts, pausing every few minutes to frown at a price tag, Sebastian's heart rate slowly increased, his nerves buzzing around his head and creating a flurry of white noise. He had never been on a date with Declan before. He had never even allowed himself to be romantic, because that would have pushed a boundary they were both too afraid to question.

It had taken them months to be honest with each other, to admit their feelings, to promise to stop pretending they meant less to each other than they really did.

Sebastian couldn't have been happier.

"How about this?" Harvey held up a soft baby blue jumper.

Sebastian reached out to brush his fingertips across the fabric, "It's nice." He said noncommittally.

"It's perfect." Harvey grinned, "It's chic."

"If you say so."

"Try it on."

Sebastian complied obediently, grabbing the jumper out of Harvey's hands, and slipping into the dressing rooms. He pulled the soft fabric over his head, and carefully examined his reflection in the mirror. The jumper hung effortlessly from his broad shoulders to loosely sculpt his biceps - which he knew Declan loved. He hated to admit it, but Harvey had done well.

"So?" Harvey asked hopefully when Sebastian stepped back into he shop with the jumper draped over his arm.

"It looks good." He smiled, because he couldn't help it, "Thanks, Harvey."

Harvey's grin brightened, and he snatched the jumper out of Sebastian's hand, "Great." He said, heading for the till, "My treat."

"What?" Sebastian frowned, trailing after him helplessly, "I can pay for it, don't-"

"Save your money." Harvey nudged him in the ribs affectionately, "Buy Declan the most expensive thing on the menu." He handed the man behind the counter his card, and before Sebastian could yank it out of his hand, the payment had already gone through.

"You're an idiot." Sebastian murmured, "I love you." He didn't say that a lot - hardly ever - but if anyone deserved to hear it, it was Harvey.

Harvey chuckled, "I love you, too, Seb."

"Thank you." Sebastian said sincerely.

Harvey insisted on dragging Sebastian around what felt like another hundred shops, though couldn't have been more than four. When Harvey started complaining that he was hungry, Sebastian bought him a pretzel, and when he started complaining that he was thirsty less than ten minutes later, Sebastian bought him a slushy.

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