
1 month later

Skylar's POV:

"Another fucking bust." I cuss ripping my helmet from my head and I let it drop onto the asphalt road before booting it to the garage door. They're giving me no leads, they're giving me zero help, I don't know why I even both to ask the Angellos for anything. I just want my brother back and they're not doing shit.

I pick up my helmet before punching in the code and waiting for the slow door to open. "You're back? Anything?" I look towards the ground and Dean slides out from under Bailey's car. "No as fucking always." I spit between my teeth and he sighs, pinching his nose's bridge.

"We'll keep trying, he's out there. Not dead." I watch him slide back under his car and the thought couldn't help but scream in my head. What if he is dead? What if he's already gone? What if there's no saving him? There could be no more Sage. No more big brother. I could be causing down a ghost, an uncatchable spirit.

What if Sage is gone, forever?

I leave the garage into the house before I could think about that any longer. I hate thinking that he's gone because I know he's stronger than that and I didn't see him die, he was still there when I left but after, he was gone in thin air. "Beans?" I look around the kitchen and living room but I don't see her.

I go into my room and I spot her curled up on her side of my bed, snoring. Of course she's snoring. I kneel beside her and I touch my hand on her cheek. It's been a really long month, too long with me leaving and coming back, Dean and Marco doing whatever they're trying to do and now with college, I'm starting to see her less and less even though her school is only two hours away, she's gone for most of the day.

"I'm back." I kiss her lips and I brush my finger against her eyelashes hoping to wake her up. "I'm back Beans." I try again this time getting a small reaction but she still doesn't wake up. I grab my blanket that she's curled up in and I rip it off her body, "Hey it's cold!" She sits up straight searching for the blanket with her hands and I smile in victory.

"I know but I need to wake up and you didn't so I ripped the blanket off." I hold it in front of her and she snatches it out of my hands, early morning Beans is never my favorite out of the rest, late night Beans is my favorite, she's more cuddly then. "I want to say that this is abuse but I'm not, so I'm going to say it's foul and rude. I thought you love me." She curls back up and my jaw drops.

"I do love you that's why I need you to get out of bed." I try to take the blanket again but this time holds it tighter. "But why?" She whines and I sigh. "Because it's a surprise," I grunt trying to pull harder but she's somehow beating me. "I can't with you and surprises you've been doing surprises since we've met. I've had too many surprises in my life and they're all from you." She continues to whine as I pull on the blanket.

"It's a good surprise I promise now come on. Today is a day that both of us aren't doing shit. I'm taking a break from searching and I want that break with my girlfriend so it would be nice if you could get up." I strain then I get flung onto my ass with the blanket on top of me.

She freaking let go of it and let me fall. "But we could stay the day in bed don't you think?" She sits up straight as if she wasn't trying to go back to sleep a couple seconds ago. "No, we can't stay in bed today," I tell her as I get up and I toss the blanket back at her then she wraps herself back in it and smiles and cheeky smile.

"What are we going to do in bed then?" I ask standing by the edge and she sits up holding the side of my waist then I feel my back hit my bed and she straddles me. "Well, I like this." Her hands hold my wrists beside my head and she leans down kissing me hard, "I really like this." I say between our lips meeting.

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