41. What Now?

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Bailey's POV:

"You are extra smiley this morning hun." Dad points out before I shut his truck door, "Uh yeah." I try to break my grin because my cheeks are starting to really hurt. "You had that much fun stargazing last night, it was a little cloudy wasn't it?" He drags on whatever this is.

"Uh yeah well we got a good spot to stargaze plus we saw a shooting star and I made a wish and I think it came true." I lie, partly. "Wanna tell me what the wish is?" He leans over the center console and I shake my head. "Nope so bye!" I quickly wave closing the door.

He drives away and I take a glimpse at Skylar's parking spot which is empty. She's not here yet, I made my way into the school and I saw Carmen waiting for me excited for me, I told her about last night when I got home and we both screamed at each other.

"You bold ass bitch you made the first move!" She grabbed ahold of my shoulders and shook me before I could sit. "Come spill tea hoe, you kissed her what'd I tell you it's going to happen and you can't tell me that you don't like her." She gives me her full attention fixing her hair. "Okay yes I like her and I don't know I just went for it because it felt right and she enjoyed it too." I mumble the last part and her jaw dropped open.

"OH YES YOU FUCKING KISSED HER!" She throws her hands up wrapping them around me and I notice a few people looking at us. "SHHHH Carmen too loud the entire school doesn't need to know." I try to shush her but that doesn't seem to work as she continues to squeal. "I'm so proud of you, look at you growing up. I feel like a proud mother." She fans her face with her hands and I sit there watching this dramatic show.

"Thank you, I'm pretty proud of myself too her lips were so soft. Wait that sounds weird now that I'm saying it out loud but yeah." I feel my face heat up a little, how am I blushing again. "Do your parents know?" She asks and I quickly shake my head, "What? Of course not, I'd rather keep this a dirty little secret than have to talk to them about this and potentially get put in a conversion camp." I shiver at the thought of them disowning me and shipping me off to strangers who are going to turn me into a frugal little housewife.

"Okay yeah we're going to keep this quiet I just don't know how you're going to keep this away from them I'm sure your dad is already wondering why you keep smiling like there's no tomorrow." She pats my back, "Yeah you're right about my dad." I sigh, I can keep this quiet I just need to be more sneaky. "Okay, but on a different note where's your girlfriend she isn't here yet." I see her look around.

"Carmen she's not my girlfriend." I say and she sighs, "Bails you guys kissed and hang out a lot, okay like a lot plus she walks you to your classes so yeah I think you guys are practically in a relationship." She tells me and I disagree, "We're not together but there are feelings so I think that's good enough for now." I try to convince her but she's going to try and prove me wrong.


Skylar's POV:

"Why aren't you at school?" I look up from my phone seeing Dean stand with a plate of scrambled eggs and I close my computer, "Wasn't feeling it." I say getting off my bed and I change the vinyl from Taylor Swift to The Neighborhood, I don't need Dean to comment on what I'm listening to. "Right but how was last night you came home happy which is great to see and you didn't scratch Sage's paint so even better." He sits on the edge of my bed and I flop back down.

"We kissed." I mumbled loudly into the pillow. "Oh shit, that's something but that doesn't explain why you're not at school. Wouldn't you want to go to school cause that means you'll see Bailey there?" He asks and I roll over facing the ceiling. "I know but I don't know what to do. Like I like her, I like her so much but I don't want her to drop everything because of the life that we live, she isn't ready for this." I rub my hands down my face waiting for any answer from him.

"Yeah that can be messy but I'm proud of you for liking someone and being serious about her. Honestly, it's about time you have someone good in your life, you deserve someone who can put up with your ass I mean she cares about you a lot to care about Sage and me too." He hands me the plate and I take a couple of bites of his food.

"I know and that's the problem I don't want to lose her over this Dean. I'd rather leave this life than lose her." I hand the plate back, "Yeah well that isn't going to happen any time soon and I'm not much help when it comes to conversations like this because I have zero experience with it all but the person you should talk to is Sage, your brother can help. I'll get him." Dean got up leaving my room.

As much as I wanted to fight him on it, I know that I can't keep her safe if I don't know what the fuck to do. "Dean said you didn't go to school." I see Sage appear in front of him looking like he just woke up seeing that he's in grey sweats which he only wears to sleep. "Yeah what else did he tell you?" I ask scooting over and he sits next to me. "Everything." He says looking around my room. I can't tell if he's okay with this or not.

It stayed silent between us, I didn't know what to say to him. "Do you really like her?" He breaks the quietness and he turns his head looking at me and I nod. "No Sky, I know you like her but do you love her? Are you going to say those three words to her?" He asks, "I'm not ready to say them, I can't. Not when she doesn't know." I sigh.

"If you're not ready to say it then don't say anything to her then about what we do. There's no point. You're going to end up her hurting more like that." He tells me and I slowly nod. "Whatever it is you two having going on I would keep it subtle, keep pretending to be this rebel of a person. What you're not going to do is pull away from her, especially since you kissed her." He stands up and I watch him.

"I want her though." I say, "How?" He questions, "I want her Sage, all of her. Forever." I swallow the nervousness that's showing. "In that case, you better keep her safe. I have a job for you to do in a couple weeks and you can take her it's a simple trade and if she can take it then might as well tell her but if not then I would let her go. Now go to school." He rubs the top of my head then leaves my room. Let her go?Oh what what am I going to do now?

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