58. Simply Swaying

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*DON'T play song yet


Bailey's POV:

Carmen and I danced within the crowd jumping up and down as the lights spun around changing colors with the loud music that run in everyone's ear. "Hold on I need a drink." Carmen pulls me close and I nod at her then she starts pulling me out of the crowd towards the drinks which are bottled water, cans of soda, and juice boxes. Very appropriate for prom.

We both grab a bottle of water and I look past the crowd to the round tables where Tyler awkwardly sits with Skylar and the twins who are throwing jabs at each other. "I can't stand those two." Carmen gulps, "Who? The twins? At least now you have a date, well two." I joke and she shakes her head.

"They're idiots that lead to one whole idiot and even with two brains they don't remember anything and I don't know but whatever, Tyler looks like he might pee his pants on accident." She points lowly at him and I agree, "I don't why he's so tense when around Skylar, do you think he likes me?" I ask her and she raises an eyebrow.

*PLAY song

"Actually you might be right but I don't know, I don't know when he's flirting or not but maybe he's just a good friend because he is." She takes another sip of water then all the lights changed to a deep blue with some white and a slow song started to play.

"Oh hey this is the song from Beauty and the Beast." I tell her smiling at the song choice, I was almost certain that they would've played some sappy love song that's used in weddings. "Let's dance." She says and we finish our bottles jogging to the dance floor getting right in the middle of the couples and other people dancing with friends.

Carmen and I held each other as we stared and commented on people like this one guy pretending to dance with himself that's earning a few laughs. "Who knew that they were still together?" She jerks her head to the couple that's been together since freshman year.

I remember when we all bet when they would break up and it was wrong but kind of fun. "Ooh and look over there." I point to a group of boys dancing in a circle singing the lyrics to the song. "Who knew that they watched beauty and the beast." She laughs.

"May we have this dance?" Two voices pick up from behind us and we both turn around seeing the twins holding their hands out. Carmen then turns to me from the grinning faces, 'What do I do?' She mouths to me and I smirk pushing her towards them. "No. No. No." She whispers but then she freezes from them hugging her.

"I hate you." She says flipping me off, "Enjoy." I smile waving at them. They disappear into the crowd and I stand there awkwardly looking around at the couples dancing happily like they're the only ones in the world. I begin to walk out of the people then I feel a tap on my shoulder.

"Come here Beans." I recognize the voice and I spin around seeing Skylar adjust her tie with one hand and the other is held out for me. I instantly smile taking it mine and she stretches our arms out a little, her other hand holds my waist and I hold her open shoulder.

"I thought you don't dance?" I ask smiling stepping closer to her if it was possible, "You're right I don't dance, not in the slightest." She tells me as she moves me around from hitting any other couple. "But we're dancing right now." I said squeezing her hand, "No we're not, we're swaying side to side. See." She sways us some more. "Whatever we're definitely dancing." I lay my head against her chest.

This is what it feels like to be the only ones in a large room filled with people, just us, no one else. "I have something to ask you?" I lift my head up seeing Skylar look down at me with a small glim in her eyes. "Hmm?" I sound, "It's important." She tells me and I nod. "Can you tell me now?" I ask, please let this be the one thing she'll tell me about without keeping me waiting.

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