13. Trust Issues

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Bailey's POV:

"You know you're like my personal bodyguard." I mention leading Skylar to my class, "Really? I thought I was doing you a favor." I mean she walks with me to class, all of my classes, well most of the time I don't know how she's still in school because I don't see her any homework at all. I knocked on the classroom door waiting for Mrs. Hall to open it up for me, "Are you going to stay in class with me again?" I turn to Skylar who's staring off into space, "Uh no I'm gonna go to my class this time, there's a test." She explains to me and then the door opened, "Well, you two are very late for class." Mrs. Hall steps out closing the door behind her, she takes off her glasses then proceeds to cross her arms.

I think math teachers were all supervillains in their past lives, "Yeah well she's here do you can let her in." Skylar points at the door, "I don't think so, you see the policy is that late students without a pass will have to go to the office and you two don't have passes." She looks up and down at each of us, I don't mind hanging out in the office I have some work to do anyway. "Man fuck the policy half of the teachers don't actually follow it and neither do the students so you can most definitely let us into class." Oh, she cussed, Mrs. Hall hates cussing. "That is unacceptable Miss. Morozan and you know that so I would just go to the office to save us from this bicker." Mrs. hall turns around but Skylar clears her throat then throwing me a wink, oh no.

"Listen here Mrs. Hall, now I know I could get in trouble for this but I could give less of a fuck, what you're going to do is let Bailey in class because first, it wasn't her fault she's missed class it's mine an-" "And like that isn't a surprise, you're corrupting a perfectly good student who can make it far in life." Mrs. Hall cuts Skylar off, at least Mrs. Hall somewhat believes in me, but I wouldn't mind if Skylar corrupted me it's what needs to happen and it's okay if it happens in other ways. Bailey, what are you thinking about? I cover my mouth after realizing I was smiling at the thought. "HA corrupting that's funny- that's really funny but no as I was saying and second I don't think you would be laughing if the entire school knows about your little affair because your husband can't keep his dick up." I watch Mrs. Hall turn pale along with her fists tightening.

So I guess it is true about Mr. Hall's erectile dysfunction, Carmen was right about sex being important in relationships, "How- how do you know that?" Mrs. Hall starts to panic, I'm literally seeing her skin start to shimmer in the light. "I don't know, rumors I guess, words can spread really fast so just let Bailey in class and give her late passes if she's ever late and if you do for the rest for the rest of the year and no one else will know, if not then you can bet a divorce will be your next school year plans and everyone will know about your affair." Skylar threatens the middle aged woman, should I be scared? This is scary on her end. But I'm surprised, impressed. I could never do that.

"You're playing a dangerous game, this has serious consequences young lady, you could jail time." Mrs. Hall tries to threaten Skylar which I think didn't work, see if I were alone making that threat I'd start sobbing but with Skylar, I'm not phased at all. "I'm a Morozan, Morozan's aren't afraid of anything." Skylar smirks, ohhh that made my heart beat a little faster, Bailey! Stop. Now! "Be careful Skylar, don't start a fire that you can't put out, come on Miss. Skeels, I'll catch you up with the rest of the class and I'll give you a pass to go to your morning classes to get your missing work." She swiftly turns around walking into her classroom. She's definitely scared. "Thank you." I popped up in front of Skylar, "It's nothing." She shrugs.

How is that nothing? She just threatened a teacher, that is definitely something. "I will bake you so many cookies." I whispered, "Hmm I don't want cookies this time." She looks down at me, "So what do you want?" I hope it isn't money because I don't have that, I need to start looking for a job. "I want your number." She holds her phone out and I stare at it, "My number?" I question taking the device from her, "It's kinda hard to plan stuff when I don't have a way to contact you." She has a point, I put my phone number in and I hand her phone back, "Thank you, have fun in class while I take a stupid ass test. I'll see you Beans" She groans letting her head fall back and she spins on the back of her heel, "See you!" I quickly waved before getting to class.

School ended and I was able to take the bus home but that meant I couldn't see Skylar at the end of the day because the buses run on a tight schedule, "See you on Monday Bailey." The bus driver waves to me as I get off the bus, "Bye Sheri!" I waved to the woman, I got into my house going to the garage first, neither of my parents is here, that's fine by me. I went into our kitchen and made myself a bowl of cereal because cereal after school smacks especially if it's Cinnamon Toast Crunch or Krave or my favorite the strawberry flavored mini wheats. I took my almost overflowing bowl to my room and I called Carmen since I haven't heard anything from her at all. *Sup Bailey?* I heard her voice and I pulled out my computer, "Hey how have you been? And where are you? I haven't seen you in a while."

*Yeah I know, I've been out of town because of my dad's company* "Oh right I forgot that he trades with other big companies." *Yeah exactly but I'll be back later tonight, how have you been? I hope school wasn't too dull without my sparkly ass.* I just know she flipped her hair over her shoulder, "School was a little dull yes but oh you don't even know what happened today okay so this is big for me. Okay ready?" I started to get excited, *There's tea, I love tea, the figurative kind at least anyways continue.*

"So I was really hungry today, well this morning and my stomach let out the most weirdest sound ever and of course Skylar heard it and she took me to go eat at McDonald's, we skipped school practically almost two and half periods and we ate. And I was able to talk about or rant about my parents to someone who didn't really know me at all until that very moment, it was easy and honestly, I think I was just a little horny but that's for another day." I really said that, *Woah, did I hear what you just said? Never mind that though you skipped school? Like you Bailey, you skipped school?* I shouldn't be surprised.

"Yes I skipped school and that wasn't it okay so when we got back to school she threatened Mrs. Hall to let me into class, okay threatened and I don't know if you want to know but Mrs. Hall and her husband have problems when it comes to sex so she had an affair. OH and- and I got to ride a motorcycle, Skylar's motorcycle, it was scary but it was thrilling and now I want a motorcycle well my mom would never let me get one at least not now." I explain the rest of it, *So what I'm hearing is that you got on a random girl's bike and let her take you to McDonald's to eat and you decided to rant about your life's story even though you have no idea about her.* There's her judgment. "She's not some girl okay and I can trust her."

*Right, so tell me something about Skylar besides that you can trust her and she has a bike.* What do I know about Skylar besides those two things and the fact that she has a friend that's a criminal. That wouldn't sit well with Carmen at all. *Mhm the silence you're giving me right now is very very reassuring, yup I told you something is fishy with her and I don't want you hanging out with her or skipping school with her anymore.* "Wait wait wait, no I can't just stop hanging out with her I'm getting somewhere, I promise I am, and trust me she isn't a bad person you just haven't met her you know properly and I know that's what we should do, we can all hang out what do you think?" Would having of them in the same vicinity be okay, what if the place explodes.

*Hang out when?* At least she's considering it, "How about Saturday. I think it'll work for all of us and we can hang out I don't know-" *Public! We are going somewhere public.* She butted in, "Okay so we hang out publicly." Would Skylar want to hang out again? *How are you going to tell her?* "Uh she texted me earlier when I was on the bus but I can text her." *So you have her number too?* "Yeah why not?" *Because she could be a serial killer!*

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