39. Jealous Tension

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Bailey's POV:

I really wished I had my notebook right now, I stared at my computer screen with the little cursor blinking on a new page. I had to redo my entire essay because I forgot the stupid money bit. My perfect economy is ruined. "Hun!" I hear my dad knock on my door and I quickly close out the tabs that I don't need then I look back at the door seeing it crack open. "Yeah?" I question pretending to look really busy on my project.

"The guests are here, I thought you should come to say hi before you leave." He leans against the door frame, "Before I leave?" I question and he raises an eyebrow. "Um yeah, aren't you going stargazing with Skylar, you said she's going to pick you up at eight and it's seven-fifty. So I'm assuming she's coming pretty soon." He chuckles, oh right, how could I forget that.

I shut my computer and I jumped off my bed, "I'll come say 'hi' to everyone once I'm done getting dressed." I say to him, "Okay." He closes my door and I rummage through my clothes, I don't even know what to wear, probably comfortably right? I grabbed a pair of sweatpants and a hoodie. This should be good enough. I'm sure we aren't actually going stargazing, as fun as that is I don't think she would be willing to do that.

I grabbed my phone and my wallet then I walk downstairs slowly hearing laughing and small talk, how many people are here?" I make it to the bottom and all eyes turn to me, our table somehow grew to fit 10 people instead of 4, "Hey Bails!" I see Tyler wave from the end of the table, what is he doing here? "Uh hi everyone." I wave walking closer to the table, "Why don't you join us?" One of the men scoots his chair over but I shake my head.

"Thank you but I won't be joining tonight I have plans." I tell him, "Plans?" Tyler asks smiling and I nod then the doorbell rang. "And that's for me, I'll see you all later." I wave to everyone again leaving the group of expensive lawyers, "Here I'll walk you." The screech from Tyler's chair interrupts everyone's eating.

"Oh you don't have to do that." I try to convince him but he only ended up by my side. "I want to though, I know it isn't far but." He chuckles and I look behind him seeing the table look at us.

I hum a little continuing to walk to the front door, "Oh uh I talked to your parents and they're letting you go to prom with me, well not with me- uh well yes with me but like with friends uh- you'll be with me though not as a date, well if you wanted to uh- I'll just shut up now." He cuts himself off.

"Um thank you Tyler, I appreciate it but when you say friends are they like Austin and the rest who are a part of the game because if so, I won't be going. What Austin did at lunch was disrespectful and it hurt me knowing that I'm just worth a couple of points." I sigh looking right at him. I hope he isn't like this.

"Oh no no no, we're not friends anymore, it's going to me and a few guys from the team and their dates, but Austin and his friends aren't coming I think they got expelled I don't know. And your not worth points no girl is measured by that." He sucks in his lips trying to stop himself from talking.

"Okay good, I don't want to see his face." I say, "Yeah and neither do I." I hear Skylar's voice from the other side of the front door and I quickly open it up. Seeing her rock on her heels.

"Hey, Beans and Tyler you're here." I stand back with the door and I share a glance between the both of them. "Uh yeah, I'm having dinner with a few people from the firm some of them actually came to see you, I don't know why but Bailey said she has plans tonight." Tyler explains for me, this is getting interesting I think I'm gonna stay quiet while they talk.

"Yeah I told her dad that I couldn't make it tonight because I have plans." Skylar looks at me, oh we're matching again with hoodies, unplanned matching, I love unplanned matching.

"I'm assuming you got plans with Bails." Tyler looks between the both of us and Skylar and I nod. "Got that right bucko so thanks for walking her to her own front door I guess but I got it from here, Beans?" She looks at me stepping back.

"Enjoy dinner Tyler, I'll see you." I walk out of my house closing the front door behind me and I smirk at Skylar, "Why are you smiling like that?" She moves her head back a little, "You got jealous." I tease and she huffs walking away.

"I was not jealous, he was taking up our time." I catch up to her seeing her brother's car, "So you got jealous, you have to admit it and we're taking Sage's car again?" She opens the passenger door for me and I hop in.

"You're not going to get it out of me and yes we're taking his car again, I don't know if you're still up for my bike so next time you can choose." She tells me getting in and she starts driving off. "Next time we can use your bike, I kind of miss it not that I don't like Mona, she's a very cool car but I like your bike better." I admit smiling at her and she smiles back at me.

I glance at her knuckles as she grips the steering wheel. I can't believe she punched Austin, not that I'm complaining about it because it all happened very fast and it was reasonable so I can't blame her for doing it and the Universe knows I would've hurt myself trying to hurt him but I could still get him. "How's your hand?" I ask her breaking the silence.

"My hands are doing great, I mean they sometimes cramp from switching from steering wheel to bars for my bike." She says nonchalantly, "Skylar that's not what I mean." I try to be serious with her, "I know I know I was just messing around but I didn't get to clean it that well because I had to work on Dean's car with Sage while Dean was renewing his drivers license but you know it stings a little but other that I'm good." She shows her the back of her hand towards me and I hold it only for her to start wiggling her fingers.

"Stop it, I'm trying to look at it." I lightly tap one of her knuckles and she hisses at the pain, "I thought you said you were good?" I ask continuing to scan the damage. "I also said it stings." She pulls her hand away placing it back on the wheel, "Clean that up once we're done with whatever we're going to do because I know it isn't stargazing but thank you, I mean you didn't have to punch him but also I didn't mind it because I was too uh- shocked to do or say anything." I say to her.

I really am thankful for what she did. "I didn't want to punch him either but sometimes violence is the answer." She hums, "Violence should never be the answer." I disagree with her. "Ehhh sometimes it's the answer it worked this time." She glances at me.

"Fine okay this one instance it worked." I give in then I look out of the tinted window seeing the lights from tall buildings. "Are we close?" I ask her, "Yup we should be at the city hall in uh ten minutes." The city hall?

"Why are going to the city hall?" I ask getting nervous, this is a way for us to get arrested, I won't survive in jail. "Calm down Beans. Quit fiddling with your fingers, you're going to be okay." Her bruised hand lands on mine and I freeze.

"There was an opening event thing and they don't usually always lock everything up because the security gets lazy and so tonight is a great night to break in and have some fun." She throws me a wink and I feel my cheeks heat up a little. We're going to get caught.

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