23. Missing Morning

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Bailey's POV:

"Bailey, get up it's Tuesday let's go." I shoot my head up rubbing my eyes, it's Tuesday meaning my parents leave extra early in the morning and they want me up right before they leave so I can listen to whatever they have on their itinerary for the day. I don't know why they have me do this because it doesn't at all benefit me but they think it's important. "Skylar?" I look at where she was beside me and it's empty. She left me, I sat up completely and looked around my room, my curtains are closed, my computer is on my nightstand charging which I always forget because I almost always fall asleep every time I watch a movie and I must've fallen asleep during pride and prejudice again.

I feel kind of bad for falling asleep on her, she came all this way to make sure I was okay and I fell asleep. Good job Bailey. I got up stretching my body hearing my bones pop and I leave my room walking downstairs and I see both my parents making coffee. "Morning Bailey." My mom glances at me then shuts her tumbler. "Morning." I respond it's just a morning. A normal morning. "Good morning hun, today we'll be at work till twelve then we'll be at a business meeting for lunch so when you get home we won't be here and we'll be back to the office by four so you'll have to eat dinner on your own tonight. We'll be home before ten tonight. It will be a long-drawn day." He walks past me kissing the side of my head.

"Remember no baking, no running, and please try to clean up the house, I haven't been able to do it in a while and it could use a dusting. Don't open the door to anyone who isn't us, if anyone is coming over we'll let you know. I had something else to tell you but I can't remember what, I was supposed to tell you last night but your room had an uncanny vibe to it, as your generation would say. I don't know it felt almost protected." I know I'm still grounded it's only been a day and I have 13 more days to go. Joy. But my room had a weird vibe? I'm not going to ask. "Okay." I sigh following the well-put-together woman out to the garage and I watch them leave. I need to go back to sleep. I lock the garage door and slump my way back up to my room.

I don't want to eat dinner alone again, there's a difference between eating alone with people in the house and just eating alone- alone and I don't like either. It just feels weird so weird and well extremely lonely. I wasted the couple hours I had before school fixing my closet, I noticed that what I wear and what Skylar wears are very different aesthetics and so I don't look like the kind to break the rules, I don't the stereotype. I don't own a whole ton of black clothes but it's a start I grabbed a black pair of leggings then my black short sleeve and the flannel I wore to the mall, this will look good with my hair down. It'll work. I did my morning routine and I headed out seeing Sheri drive up to the corner.

"Good morning Bailey!" She greets me as I step up into the yellow bus, "Morning Sheri, how are you?" I ask, "Good, I got Starbucks with an extra two shots of espresso so I'm really awake." She throws her arms up and I laugh patting her shoulder before walking to my seat. One thing I love about  Sheri is her openness with me, even if it's small like about her coffee or something big like her younger brother being done with college. It's nice to talk to her even and I appreciate it. We got to school and I got off the bus seeing Carmen wave at me from one of the double doors and I run-up to her into a hug.

"Oh hiii, how are you? Are you okay? Are you still grounded?" She lets go of my holding my shoulders. "Yeah I'm still grounded thirteen more days to go but it's okay it gives me time to read all the new books I got." I reply it could be a good thing even though it hurts. We walked into the school and got to our spot which has Skylar waiting for us, I look around for the twins and they're not in their usual spot. "Morning." I say to her and she looks up from her phone smiling, oh she's happy to see me. Why is my heart beating a little faster? "Just morning? No good?" She asks and I get between the two, "No good, just morning." It would've been a good morning if I woke up and saw you still beside me but nope.

"How can I make it a good morning?" She leans over getting a better look at my face, "She won't be having a good morning till she's ungrounded." Carmen jumps in the conversation and she isn't wrong, I was in a bad mood pretty much the all the last time I was grounded. It wasn't pretty. "Fuck really?" Skylar raises an eyebrow and I nod, "Well your day is going to get better because I'm going to be in it." She winks at me leaning back up, wink at me again, please. "You're going to make my dad better?" I ask almost teasingly, "Mhm all day and you're going to have to deal with it." She bounces her eyebrows, "Looks like my day is going to get worse." I sigh, "Hey now, I'm awesome and you love having me around." She scoots closer to me.

Well she isn't lying. "Wait even our sixth period?" Carmen shares a look with the both of us as she taps her nails against her cheek, "Yup but don't worry I won't steal her away randomly." She's referring to being left in front of Victoria's Secret, "Touche." Carmen rolls her eyes and I hear a chuckle from Skylar then I give her a look, I don't know why these two give each other a hard time. And I thought that Carmen gave her approval. It's fine they're not trying to kill each other while Carmen went back on her phone I turned to see Skylar scanning my body, "What?" I ask looking at my own outfit.

"You're trying to dress like me." She smirks at me, "What? No, I'm not." I turn away trying to hide my now warm face, I can't believe she noticed. "Yes, you are." I feel a nudge, "I'm not, I just like how this looks. The black is very, uh, black." I try to convince her but her smirk only grows. "Mhm sure Beans and the black sure is black." She chuckles, "Shut up." I move my hands over my face then tucking my hair behind my ears. She can't have this effect on me. "Shut up." She mimics me, "Stop." I try to say seriously and she repeats after me making me laugh while I keep trying to be serious. "Skylar I swear." I cover my mouth trying to keep my amusement in, "Skylar I swear." She copies my movements covering her mouth with her hand.

The bell rang but that still didn't budge Skylar, "That's the bell, I'll see you after second period." Carmen gets up and so do I eyeing the same actions by Skylar, so I hug Carmen, "We'll see you." I tell her, "You're not hugging me." Carmen points at Skylar, she must've caught her copying me, "Yeah that's fair." Skylar nods. Wait, was Skylar flirting with me? That was flirting right. Universe why am I slow? Carmen walks to her class and I pinch the hem of Skylar's shirt tugging her to follow me, "In a rush Beans?" She chuckles holding down her spot, "Yes we need to get to class, well my class." I try pulling her again but she doesn't budge. "What's going to get you to move?" I ask still holding onto the hem.

She shrugs her shoulders smiling, "Is that all you can do?" She claims and I try to think of other ways to get her to follow me. "Okay then, you don't want to move that's fine. I'll throw my chocolate cookie recipe away so I won't be able to make them." I fake a sad sigh and I tighten my backpack straps walking away and I just caught her jaw dropping as I turned. That was funny. "Wait! Wait you can't just do that." She catches up to me stepping in front of me and she started to walk backward, "Oh yes I can." I said trying to look behind her and not a single person has bumped into her, if I did that I would've tripped over my own feet.

"You wouldn't." She tries to call my bluff, "But I would." I threaten again and her jaw drops again. She really is just in this for the cookies right? So were all of our talks nothing to her? Last night was it nothing to her? Is this part of the deal. I shouldn't be having feelings for her, I really shouldn't but I can't help it, should I distance myself maybe that will decrease the way I feel for her, the thing is that it's not a full crush. I'm just attracted to her. That's it, it's just attraction and those go away.

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