54. BOOM! Confrontation

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Bailey's POV:

"Thank you for today." I got off Skylar's bike and I gave her helmet back, "You're welcome, now you know that place exists just give me the word and I'll bring you right back." She gets off to walk with me towards the front door. "I think the next time I go I might not leave." We get to the front, "Beans you already didn't want to leave I had to drag you." She says and I deny it.

"That is a little exaggerated." I tell her and she gives me a 'really' look. "Okay well, it was still pretty early before we had to leave." I try to defend myself.

*FLASHBACK to a few hours earlier

"Beans let's go." Skylar stands up looking at me as I lay on the grass like a starfish. I don't want to leave, I don't ever want to leave. I can't leave. "I can't leave, you can't make me this is where I belong!" I tell her not bothering to move.

"Fine, then I'll drag you." She walks up to me and holds my ankles. "Fine. Do it, just know that you ruined my day." I cross my arms over my day, "You're being dramatic, this place isn't going anywhere and we can always come back." She says pulling me slowly and quickly putting my arms back out hoping the drag will slow her down.

"NOOOOOOOO!!" I yell, "BEANS!" She yells back, "WHAT?!" I ask, "I NEED TO GET YOU HOME!" She says and I lift my head up. "THIS IS MY HOME NOW!" I try to roll over, I don't feel like wasting my energy trying to get her to release my ankles.

"YOUR PARENTS ARE GOING TO KILL US!" She yells once more and my eyes widen. She's right. We ditched the whole day. And we didn't try to even say that we were absent in any way to the office. "You're right they will also how dare you use them against me." I get up brushing my clothes off with my hands.

"It was the only way to get you up and there you go, you're up." She smiles like she's done nothing wrong. "I hate you." I mumble walking away from her back down the hill and she caught up to me intertwining her hand with mine and plants a kiss on my cheek. "You love me." I catch her smirking from the corner of my eye. Yeah, I do love her but I hate her for that.


"BAILEY ELLE SKEELS!" I hear my name the second I opened the door. I glance at Skylar and she gives me a soft smile before we both walk in. "Hi, mom." I say walking slowly into their view with Skylar's hand on the small of my back. She's here it's going to be okay.

"Hi dad, what are you doing here Ty?" I see him sit at our dining table. I swear he's everywhere, I can't take this. "I couldn't miss your birthday and I got you a present and I'm sorry." He keeps his hands on his lap and I look back at my parents who are again disappointed, they don't need to say anything because I already know.

It sucks more when you already know. There are multiple instances where knowing makes it hurt more but just knowing is enough to make it feel like I got stabbed.

"Sorry for what?" I question, it's kind of rare for Tyler to apologize because he is a sweet guy who doesn't like doing the 'getting in trouble things' but these trouble things are the most fun I've had.

"He's here because he's been looking for you, you haven't been answering your phone it's almost six pm and the school called asking about your absence, I called your teacher. Mr. Bloom. And he actually said it's okay that you missed an entire day of school. And you wanna know why? It's because he knows that you're safe with Skylar. Imagine a teacher, a certified instructor saying it's alright for another student to run off because of another student. I couldn't believe what I was hearing." Oh my.

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