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Once upon a time, around a year ago, a young woman discovered the world of Kpop because she was on her friend's youtube and randomly clicked on a dance jam... that turned out to be Enhypen's.

After that, she asked said friend who were these AMAZING TALENTED BOIS, and a whole weekend of I-LAND later, she was hooked.

She got very interested in the whole vampire concept and wanted to find theories about it. She found some, but it was never enough..
So, as she couldn't find what she wanted to read, she decided to write it herself.
She did a lot of research, mvs, lyrics, behind the scenes, and she came up with her first theory.

You guessed it, that became her first ff: White Fangs!
After that, she realized she loved writing as much as she liked reading, so a whole routine started.
She would try her best to write around 4 chapters a week, between books, short stories and one shots.

Not only did she gain experience in writing, but she also found her place in an amazing community.
She smiles at every comment her readers write, sometimes engaging with them, or
thanking them for pointing out a typo here and there!

Aaaaaaand almost a year of writing later, something happened...




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I.. I don't even know where to begin😭


(Yes my cancer ass is crying right now)

When I started writing, I had NO IDEA how much I would love it and how much I would miss it when I can't write.
And it's all thanks to you 🥹

Thank you for taking some of your time to read what I write, it's still insane to me...
Thank you for all of those who shared ideas with me and allowed me to write about them, it's an honor🥰
Thank you for those who dmed me just to chat, cause I love to get to know you✨

Anyways, this is longer than I wanted it to be, but I truly want to do something special for you to celebrate this milestone ✨ and to properly thank you for your constant support!!!

In the past, when we reached 10k, 25k and 50k, I opened up for requests, but I don't know if you would like to do that again?
Or if we could do a Q&A?
Or if someone has another idea?

In any case, we'll figure something out☺️

I have to go to bed now though..
Remember to eat well, study for those who have to, and rest for those who need to🫰

Love you all💜

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