Goodbyes 2

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Kildor was in the sky shooting fire at a green dragon as Zenith protected the three sea creatures as they shot their magic from the ship. Renze and Nilly were shooting water, and the mom was shooting ice spikes.

The blue dragon charged the ship and spewed fire at the same time. The three women formed a barrier of water and extinguished the fire, but the blue dragon was still coming. When it got near the boat, it bit the railing in front of Zenith and tore it off. The impact made Renze fall down, and the ship tilted, making her fall into the hole.

"Renze, are you ok," Nilly shouted from above.

"I'm ok," Renze yelled back as she sat up from the fall. She winced and held onto her leg.

Zenith growled and rammed into the blue dragon twice his size. The blue bit into Zenith's shoulder, and Zenith clawed at his wing, ripping a hole in it. The blue roared in pain as it let go of Zenith, falling to the ocean below and making a huge splash.

Kildor launched a fireball at the green dragon, hitting him head on. Green was thrown back into the cliff but quickly got out of the way before Kildor could hit him again.

"Hey," blue roared out, making the brothers stop. They looked down to see that the blue dragon had swam to the hole in the ship and got Renze.

"DON'T YOU DARE HURT HER," the brothers roared together.

"Too late," blue laughed as he impaled Renze through her shoulder with a claw. She looked at us and then fell down as he let her go.

"RRRRROOOOAAAAARRRR," the brothers roared out in rage. Without warning, they flew straight for each other and slammed together. They locked their heads together and began to glow. They were merging together and growing in size. Now flying in their place was the twin dragon three times the size that they were.

The twin dragon knew they were not strong enough apart, but together as one, they were.

"Hahahaha, are you mad," black laughed out as blue came beside him. Nilly and the mom went down to Renze, doing their best to patch up her wound before Renze could bleed out. 

The brothers just roared and charged the two dragons, now bigger than them. Black and blue threw fire at them, but they just blew it away with the power of their wings. They crashed into them, each grabbing a dragon by the leg. They spun them in the air and threw them towards the green latched onto the side of the cliff.

The impact made a chunk of the cliff fall off and into the water. The three dragons got back up and flew at the brothers, blue latched onto a wing, green on a leg, and black on a neck. The twin dragon roared in pain, then grabbed the green dragon with two legs and a tore off one of his wings. Green roared out as it fell to the water. The head not bitten latched onto the Black's neck and ripped him off of the other's. As he did that, they slapped the blue dragon in the eye with a tail, blinding the eye. The blue dragon let go and flew back. Black was still in the mouth of a head. He was being thrashed back and forth, unable to get free, and then his head was ripped from the body.

The blue dragon now tried to fly away and escape but didn't get far with its damaged wing. The brothers latched onto it's back and each head grabbed a wing and tore it off. They then looked straight into the blue's eyes.

"Don't worry, we won't kill you," they rumbled out, "but they will," the blue dragon looked to the side and saw krakens at the far edge of the rocks beyond. They threw him towards the krakens. They then rushed over to the ship and Renze.

"How is she," they rumbled, landing in the water beside the hole.

"She..she won't make it," her mom cried out, holding the barely conscious mermaid.

Nilly pulled up Renze's pants to show a wound that was black, and the vains around it were all black.

"She was poisoned by those stupid spiders and didn't know it," Nilly cried out in angry tears. "The venom has gone too far and won't let her heal," Nilly sobbed out, hugging Renze's head to her. Renze weakly smiled.

"I.. I thought it was just a coral scratch.. and never looked," Renze said breathlessly as a tear slid down her face.

"I love..all of... you," Renze mumbled, "please.. don't give up...on life," she continued with tears falling from her eyes. She looked at the brothers, "Thanks for everything," she mumbled as her breathing grew more ragged.

"We love you too," the brothers whimpered, touching her hand to their noses.

She took one last breath and died. She slowly began to turn into sea foam and washed into the water.

The four of them cried in agony.

The next day


"Well, I was able to find another boat for you all," the mom said as she walked over to Nilly and us.

"Thank you so much," we replied and hugged her with our necks.

"Aren't you going to come apart," Nilly asked, looking towards us, confused.

"That is the think, we can't, the spell is gone now.. and we feel like one, not two people, as strange as it sounds," we replied.

"You know, I wonder what you would look like in human," Nilly wondered with an interested look.

"We never thought of that," we said and then slowly began to shift. I looked at Nilly and the mom, "well what do I look like," I asked, genuinely curious.

"Uhhh, go look for yourself," Nilly replied with wide eyes, I shrugged and headed over to a puddle. Prepared for the worst, I looked at my reflection. I was the same as my other human, I looked around, wondering where my other half was. Then I realized we were one. I wasn't Zenith or Kildor, I was both.

"Um, I guess I am Zendor now," I chuckled out.

They laughed as well.

Soon, me and Nilly were on the boat sailing away, waving goodbye to the mom.

(Plz don't kill me, I am sorry for killing her.(/´△'\) I wanted the brothers to be one and also didn't want there to be... a... 3 way romance... but she is in a better place now, in heaven.             ( *´・ω)/(;д; )

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