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Zenith pov

Jabawa was nearly done with the preparations for the spell. He was making a venn diagram with herbs and had a liquid boiling in a pot on the fireplace.

We were watching what he was doing closely. It amazed us at all the things Jabawa knew.

"Done," Jabawa huffed as he wiped sweat off of his forehead. "Now you boys need to step into the middle oval. When the process starts to separate you, Zenith, you lean towards the right, and Kildor, you lean towards the left," Jabawa explained in very close detail.

We nodded our heads and stepped gently into the oval. I was starting to get worried.

"How will we know when to start leaning," i asked, with worry laced throughout my face.

"You will know, it shall cause a bit of pain," Jabawa replied as he got the liquid ,boiling in the pot, off the fire and brought it to us. He then started to pour it along the venn diagram's lines. As the liquid touched the line, it glowed. Once he was finished, he put the pot down and picked up a big book that was half his size.

"How much pain will this cause," Kildor quickly asked as Jabawa put a cream on his and my foreheads, running a line down.

"Well how do you think it will feel to be ripped apart," Jabawa asked in return, giving us a pointed look, "don't worry, the cream I put on you should decrease the pain by half."

"What -"

"Ah ah ah," Jabawa quickly interrupted me, "no more talking, I need to concentrate," Jabawa then opened his book to a page and began talking.

Third-person pov

What he said was not the language they spoke, but the language of the trees swaying in the wind, the grass in a gentle breeze, and the hum of a flower after the rain.

The sounds put the twin dragon into a deep sleep state, and vines emerged from the ground slowly growing towards them. The vines on each side wrapped around the head of the brother on its side.

The sounds coming from Jabawa started to grow fiercer, into the sound of a tree split by lightning, the flower torn by the wind of a storm, and the drowning of grass in a flood.

The brothers, slightly aware of what was happening around them, felt the pull of the separation and roared in agony as they leaned to opposite sides. The vines started pulling them apart. The lines of the venn diagram released a blinding light that enveloped the brothers' single body.


The brothers were split in half, each landed in the circle on the different sides. Jabawa dropped the book and fell to the ground in exhaustion. All was still and silent in the home. Slowly, the two dragon body's light dimmed and disappeared.

" boys...ok," Jabawa weakly panted out and looked at the brothers.

"I..I am good," Zenith managed to mumble, his head lifted weakly from the ground. Also, panting a lot and shaking.

"Kildor..KILDOR," Jabawa pulled himself up, as fast as he could, and stumbled over to Kildor on the left. He fell down beside the dragon and checked on his condition.

"He is not breathing. He must have been shocked by the split," Jabawa stampered as he looked at Zenith with fear.

"What do we do," Zenith gasped as he desperately crawled over to his brother. And looked at Jabawa for answers.

"Not we, you," Jabawa quickly stated, "you have to connect to his mind and wake him before his lungs collapse. You have 5 minutes, hurry!" Jabawa quickly explained in a panicked tone and pulled Zenith closer.

Without another word, Zenith put his head on his brother's and went into Kildor's mind.

(There is an echo. That is what all the extra words are. (  ̄▽ ̄) )

"Brother..other," Zenith's voice echoed in the dark space, "where are you...are," he searched around, trying to find the presence of Kildor. He could not sense where Kildor was.

"Zenith...enith," Kildor called out from far away, the sound just above a whisper. Zenith jerked his head in the direction but was unable to move towards it.

"Wake up..up, you need to wake up..wake up...up," Zenith called out, trying to get a hold on his brother's mind.

"I feel alone.. feel alone...alone, it is so quiet... quiet," Kildor echoed from somewhere, getting closer. Zenith tried to stretch out his mind to meet with Kildor's, and their minds brushed together for a moment.

"I am here, brother... brother, I will always be with with you.. you," Zenith yelled into the darkness. He stretched his mind once more and felt Kildor's mind. He pulled on Kildor's mind with his own.

"I see you... you, I am coming..coming," Kildor calls out loud and clear in the echo of the void, and soon Zenith is out of the dark and back to the dimly lit home.

Kildor shot up and took deep breaths, shuttering breaths as he looked at his brother.

"I felt so empty, so alone," Kildor stuttered out and leaned towards Zenith so he could put his head on Zenith's. Zenith leaned forward and let their heads touch.

"You gave us quite the scare," Jabawa sighed as he leaned on Kildor's back, still exhausted. "It will take time to get used to everything, but for now, we should go to sleep," Jabawa suggested as he started to yawn.

"Good idea, we can just sleep here for tonight," Zenith spoke in a tired tone, and Kildor nodded his head in agreement.

"Good night," Jabawa mumbled as he stumbled off into a hall on the far side of the wall.

The two, now normal looking dragons, put their heads on the other's body and fell into an exhausted slumber.

Jabawa leaned on the wall and looked behind him at the heartwarming sight. The two red dragons lay beside one another, with their heads on each other's body. He smiled to himself ,then continued on to his room.

( *'・ω)/(;д; )

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