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The days went on normally and somewhat awkwardly on the ship. They were just about to reach the point when they would meet the friend of Zenith and Kildor at a rock, a big rock.


"So how did you guys meet this friend of yours," Nilly questioned us as she went to sit on a stool.

"Actually, they had helped us find this ship when we decided to become pirates," I started to say, and then Kildor finished.

"They came to us and said we looked like 'headless chickens running around'. After they helped us get this ship, they sailed with us a few months to show us the ropes," Kildor finished and sighed at the distant memory.

"And as I can see, you two are still hopeless," a voice said from the rock we were nearing.

"Just as smug as ever, Ohtena," I responded, looking at the blue haired woman in front of us.

"I don't care what you say, you know it is true," Ohtena bit back then turned to the girls, "I assume you ladies to be the lost sea creatures," she stated. "I am Ohtena the leviathan," she spoke.

"Hi, I am Renze, and this is Nilly," Renze happily told her. She nodded in response and turned back to us.

"Ok, how are we getting through," Kildor asked as he went over to her.

"Well for starters I am now captain of this ship," Ohtena replied jumping onto the ship, "and I will spread my sent on the bottom of the ship so the others know that this ship is off limits," she continued and up to the helm.

"Can't you just put your smell on the boat, and that will be enough," Nilly questioned, and I could tell she was slightly annoyed by the way they were being ignored.

"Sorry kid, but I have to do it multiple times, or it will fade," Ohtena replied, smirking at her, Nilly looked away with aggravation plain on her face.

"Ok, let's get going, Ohtena," I asked her and went to get the boat to sail.

"Sure thing red," Ohtena replied, winking at me. Out of the corner of my eye, I saw both the girls frown, I wonder.. are they jealous?

We began to sail through the waters, and once the sun went down, we decided to go sleep.


"Alright, you four go sleep. I will keep watch," Ohtena commands to us from up top. She loves to order us around.

"But won't you get tired," Zenith asked, worried, and I rolled my eyes.

"Hahahaha, once you get older, you can either sleep forever or never sleep," she chuckled out and shooed him off. Ha ha ha soooo funny.. not.

"Ok," Zenith sighed, Nilly and I huffed as we entered the cabin.

Once we were all in the cabin, we went to our hammocks.

"Are you girls ok," Kildor questioned curiously as he leaned up from his hammock.

"Fine," I mumbled and snuggled deeper into my hammock.

"Just fine," Nilly agreed.

"Wait... are you girls... jealous?" Zenith asked, shocked.

"NO," both Nilly and I yelled as we sprang from the hammocks.

"Hahahaha, this is so funny," Kildor laughed out, falling from his hammock.

"No, it is not," I responded, starting to blush as did Nilly.

"Don't worry, we are just friends," Zenith chuckled out and looked at me.

"Yep, you two are the only ones we have eyes on," Kildor winked at us. Did he say we..?

"Better," Nilly huffed, glaring at the cabin door.

Then, all of us burst out laughing and then layed back into our hammocks.

"Now that I think about it, I don't think Ohtena likes Nilly and I," I mumbled, looking at the wood above me. She just ignored us or gave us orders.

"It just takes a while to break down her walls," Kildor yawned out.

"The only reason she helped us was because she saw we were dragons," Zenith added.

"Scales of skin are spreaded thin," Kildor mumbled as he fell asleep. The rest of us followed.


The next morning came, and we got up and moved about the ship.

"Ohtena, how old are you," Nilly asked out of curiosity as she tied a rope and glanced at the woman.

"That is a good question, I think I am around 6 centuries," Ohtena slowly replied, trying to remember.

"Wow, you don't look a day over 30," Renze exclaimed, astonished.

I guess now that they know she won't steal us, they are trying to befriend her.

"Hahahaha, that is the point," Ohtena chuckled, "I learned an age spell from a phoenix a few centuries ago. He was a spicy fellow," she finished and smiled at the thought. I don't think I want to hear that story.

A few days passed in this matter, and many stories were told, and the creatures explained that some of us didn't know.

"Well, we are nearing the end of our trip together, and I would be lying if I said I didn't enjoy it," Ohtena admitted cheerfully as she came down from the helm.

"It was great to meet you too," Nilly replied and shook her hand.

"Yes, I do hope that you have fun in your next adventure, Ohtena," Renze added, smiling as she too shook her hand.

"And it was nice to see you brothers again, even though it was brief," Ohtena said to us and gave us a big hug then ruffled our hair.

"Byeeee," we all yelled as she dived into the water and emerged as a huge leviathan. She splashed a wave of water at us and swam away.

"That wasn't too bad," Nilly said happily as she turned to us and shook herself off.

"But now we won't have to worry," Renze added as she turned to us , shaking off, as well.

"You mean you two won't have to be jealous," Kildor chuckled and shook his head of the water.

"Since this is the last week of our journey i..we wanted to confess something," Renze stuttered as Nilly walked beside her.

Kildor and I glanced at one another as we prepared for the worst.

"We like both of you," the girls blurted out and waited for our answer.

We looked at each other and burst out laughing. This could not have gone better.

"What," Nilly grumbled, annoyed at us.

"It is just that-" I began.

"We do too," Kildor finished and smiled.

"Oh...so...what happens now," Renze asked, rocking on her heels.

"Hmm, whatever we want," Kildor said, wiggling his eyebrows.

After talking for a while, we decided to switch every day to make the most of our week. It turned dark fast, and we headed to bed. Kildor snuggled with Nilly and I with Renze.

(No, there shall be no 'you know whats' with all of them together... and they are in a dating stage)


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