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I opened my eyes slowly, as i was just waking up. Looking around, I was the first awake, I got up and walked to the cave entrance. It looked like the storm was slowing down some. Maybe we could even explore the island a little today.

"Aaaawwhh," Renze yawned, and i turned towards her.

"Sorry," I apologized, "did I wake you up?" I watched as she got up, did a little streach, and came over to me.

"Oh no, no, no, you didn't, Zenith," she stuttered once she got to me.

"Ok.......," I responded, awkward silence followed, we stood there staring at the rain. The rain was staring to cause a haze to hang around, making it even harder to see.

"So I meant to ask you last night, but I forgot," Renze slowly explained, "do you think you guys could help us back home?" She looked at me with pleading eyes. I remembered Kildor's remark about their cuteness and couldn't help but soften a little more towards them by the look in her eyes.

I already said we would help them to Kildor, but I want to play with her a bit more to see her reaction. "Hmmm," I wondered. "What's in it for me," I questioned, raising my eyebrow up and keeping a nonchalant face.

"Oh, uh well," she stuttered, "we can help you look for treasure on this island." She glanced at me, not sure what to offer. She looked even more pathetic, making me laugh internally until i could not hold it.

"Welp, you've convinced me," I chuckled out as a smile made its way onto my face. She slapped my shoulder in annoyance.

"You already decided you would help us, didn't you?!" She growled at me and stomped her foot on the ground in annoyance.

"Sure did, but now we get free labor," I responded, looking at her with a once more smile-less face. I then heard some rustling behind us and saw the other two waking up.


I saw as Kildor and Nilly finally woke up. Zenith and I had been up for 15 minutes.

"I thought you sleepy heads would never wake up," Zenith sighed out, "we have things to do." He seemed to sigh a lot.

"Um, what 'things' do we need to do this early in the morning," Nilly yawned out about to go back to sleep.

"We need to stock up on some food while we are here," Zenith stated clearly, annoyed. Nilly has never been a morning person.

"AND," Kildor joyously shouted, "we need to look for treasure!" He was jumping in excitement at this point, completely awake by the thought of treasure. I could tell he was only thinking of the treasure.

"Ooooo, that sounds like fun," Nilly agreed with Kildor, joining him in the excited jumping, also awake fully now.

Zenith and I shook our heads at their ridiculousness. I guess we could agree on one thing.

"Ok, let's stop the fooling around and get ready to explore," Zenith scolded, interrupting them as he moved back further into the cave.

"Fine," both Kildor and Nilly groaned and started preparing for the exploration, as did Zenith and I.

Once they were done (Zenith)

"Alright, we will start heading north towards the middle of the island," I instructed as we started walking, "that is an ideal area for food." The rain was not as bad now because we had a lot of tree coverage.

"Question," Renze asked, "is there anything dangerous here, Zenith?"

I stopped and looked back at her. "I have no clue, but chances are yes." I responded with a serious face, then began to walk again. Anything could happen, but I had my senses on high alert.

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