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The sun was just over the horizon as Zenith was walking into the cabin. He looked at the three people sleeping peacefully.


"TIME TO GET UP, WAKE UUUUUP," I shouted at the top of my lungs, making Nilly fall out of her hammock. Renze and Kildor jerked up.

"Ouuch, why do we need to get up right now," Nilly grumbled as she rubbed her back where she had landed.

"Yah," Renze moaned as she turned to me in her hammock.

"Because we need to start the day early, that is how pirates live. And I will be discussing the route we will take to Dalana Reef, since Kildor didn't, " I explained in a firm tone, then turned around to a table in the corner with a map.

"Ahhh," Kildor sighed in joy, "the life of a pirate," he got up and came over to me. Soon, Nilly and Renze dragged themselves over as well, Renze had a bit of a limp I noticed.

"Here we are right now," I stated pointing at the far bottom right corner of the map, "we need to get to here," I then moved my finger to the lower, but a bit higher, left side of the map.

"You two sure traveled far," Kildor mumbled in surprise.

"Indeed," Renze replied, also surprised as she overlooked the map.

"Anyway, to get to there, we will need to go Northwest towards Kraken Deeps, which we will try to avoid at all cost going too far. Because there are many dangerous whirlpools the other ways, we will have to risk getting close to it. Then go straight West through Leviathan territory. Hopefully, we will get through there with the help of a friend we know," I continued slowly explaining the process. "Finally, we would then get to Dalana Reef," I concluded with a smile as i tapped the spot that was our final destination.

"How did we travel through all that and survive," Nilly questioned, completely confused as she kept looking back and forth between the start and finish of our route.

"I was wondering that too as I was deciding our path, and then I remembered that in a magic rain storm, there is a chance of teleportation if enough lightning strikes the ocean. Some people have learned to harness this to travel faster, but it is very tricky," I concluded proudly and looked at their astonished faces.

"I completely forgot when Jabawa taught us that," Kildor chuckled, shaking his head.

"Wow, I didn't know that was real. Most mer kids are told that so we would stay inside, and i thought it was fake. I have no clue when it happened to us, though," Renze admitted, laughing.

"Actually, I think at one point, when lighting struck above us, I felt dizzy and then fine. I just assumed it was because of little oxygen," Nilly stated in deep thought, as she thought back to that moment.

"Anyway, this trip should take us around... three weeks, if we don't run into trouble. It will take us 4 days to reach Kraken Deeps," I concluded as I rolled the map up and put it on a shelf.

"Ok, let's get to work and bring you girls home," Kildor cheerfully spoke and went onto the deck.

We three laughed and followed out.


The four of them kept to their path, fishing and collecting food, for 4 days till they began to near Kraken Deeps.

(Also, Renze and Nilly's water magic provided all the water they needed because they could purity it)

During the second day

"Woooo this fun," Nilly cheered as she zoomed past Renze in the water.

"Carefully Nilly, I don't want to be a fish-cabob," Renze yelled at her in frustration.

They were swimming are having fun after collecting some food. Nilly was speeding around in her narwhal form and impaled as many seaweed as she can. Renze was just swimming slowly, enjoying the feeling of the water gliding over her scales and against her tail. Nilly came over to Renze and wiggled her horn full of seaweed at her. They both laughed and started to swim up towards the ship.

After the 4 days


"Now we are going to start going around, hopefully without a hitch," Zenith grunted as he began to turn the ship. I looked beyond the ship at the dangerous waters. I looked down at my leg that was covered by my pants. It had been increasing in pain the past few days. I must have hit a bad coral for it to bother me so much.

We shuffled about the ship doing stuff for a few hours. The journey was going good, Zenith said it would take three days to go around Kraken Deeps.

"This isn't good," Kildor shuttered as he pulled the sails up.

I looked up from what I was doing and gasped. The wood of a ship was scattered across the waters in front of us, and half a ship was turned upside down, still sinking slowly.

"This is fresh, must have happened around an hour ago," Zenith stated as he took on at the wreckage with a grim look on his face.

"This is at least 10 miles from Kraken Deeps. This is highly unlike the krakens," Kildor added, confused as he glanced around anxiously.

"Would anything else be brave enough to get near a kraken area?" I asked, thinking for a moment.

"Wait, would a..." Nilly started then widened her eyes and quickly turned to the boys. They seemed to have come to the same conclusion as they ran to get the ship moving again.

"What, what is it," I frantically yelled at them, but before they could reply, I saw as a huge ship's sail came towards our ship. I looked closer at it and realized what it was, not a sail but a fin. A megalodon's fin. One of the most terrifying monsters to encounter on the ocean.

"What do we do? It will reach us in a matter of minutes," Nilly stampered as she hurried with the sails, taking constant glances at the meg.

"Kildor, you change and steer the ship into Kraken Deeps with the wind from your wings, and I will shoot fire at it to slow it down," Zenith commanded and quickly shifted as did Kildor. They nodded at each other and set off to do their own task.

"Um, how is going to Kraken Deeps going to help us," I nervously questioned as Kildor began to flap wind towards the sails, making us move forward at a faster rate.

"Krakens and megalodons hate each other, so we hope that we can find a kraken and that it will attack the meg for encroaching on it's territory," Kildor rumbled out as he increased his flapping and I saw Zenith shoot fire at the meg from a distance.

"And if the Meg reaches us before that, or even if the Kraken decides to eat us first," Nilly shuttered out and looked towards the red dragon.

"Well then me and Zenith will try to carry you two away, but we might die," Kildor replied seriously as he looked down at us.

We all hoped for the best as we went toward something that could be our doom.

( ';゚;∀;゚;)

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