Bonding time

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After two days, we had patched up the damage on the ship as good as we could.

"Well, I am going to hit the seaweed. Good night," Nilly yawned out as she headed for the cabin. Seaweed...? I guess it is just another sea creature term.

"Oh, I second that," Kildor mumbled and went behind her.

"I am not that tired yet, how about you Zenith," Renze asked as she came and sat next to me by the railing.

"Just a little, but I have first watch anyway," I told her shrugging, "want to keep me company," I asked giving her a small smile, kind of hoping she would say yes.

"It would be my pleasure," she replied, winking at me, and we both chuckled. "Even though we have nearly died multiple times, I have never felt so alive before," she sighed in joy, leaning back on the railing and closing her eyes.

"What, did you not go do dangerous stuff as a child," I asked sarcastically, bumping her shoulder with mine.

"Well, I used to do some things, but that was when my dad was alive. He died when I was 5, then my mom wouldn't let me out of her sight," Renze explained, giving me a sad smile.

"I am sorry," I responded and put my hand on hers, feeling bad i brought the subject up.

"Heh, it wasn't your fault, it was magic rain storm currents," she said, "I bet my mom is so broken right now," Renze mumbled as she covered her eyes with hands, suddenly getting upset.

"Hey, it is ok, we will get you home, and it will all be alright," I told her, rubbing her back as she leaned on my shoulder crying softly.

"You must think I am pretty pathetic," Renze chuckled out sadly, looking up at me.

"No, I don't, I think you are a lost mermaid who is homesick," I replied, looking at her eyes, smiling. I just realized we were really close, so close I could just... She leaned the rest of the way towards me and kissed me. We stayed together for a few moments before we came apart.

"I..I am sorry, I just.." Renze stuttered out as she began to turn red. I didn't let her finish as I kissed her again, this time more deeply and longer than before.

"Don't be sorry," I mumbled as I slowly pulled back and put my forehead to hers.

"I like you a lot," Renze mumbled, embarrassed.

"I would hope so after sharing two kisses," I leaned back, smirking at her.

"Whatever," she huffed out, rolling her eyes, "I am going to bed," she then got up and headed over to the cabin door. She opened it and stopped in her tracks, then a big smile spread on her face.

"Ohhhhh, am I interrupting something," Renze giggled, I looked into the cabin to see Nilly kissing Kildor on his hammock as he held her.

"Oh..uh..AHHH," Kildor began to explain as he and Nilly fell off of his hammock.

"You know, I think Nilly and I need some girl time," Renze giggled as she pulled Kildor up and put him outside. Then shut the cabin door.

"You kissed," I stated, smirking.

"You kissed," Kildor stated as well.

"Hahaha, I never thought we would ever get to do that," I chuckled, motioning for him to come sit by me.

"I know.. how was it," Kildor asked, sitting next to me, wiggling his eyebrows.

"Like flying on a perfect wind current," I sighed, remembering.

"Mine was more of a fierce wind that gives you a rush of adrenaline," Kildor exclaimed, clenching his fist in front of him.

We both laughed

"So do you like her," I asked him slyly.

"Well, I like them both," he blurted out and covered his mouth, shocked that he had said that.

"I do too, i think. I mean, they are both great. What happens now," I questioned, looking at him confused.

"Go to bed, we are not near anything, so let's just sleep," Kildor replied as he got up and headed to the cabin, I followed him.

Maybe emotions are still mixed, I mean, we have always liked the same thing. Maybe we are more connected than we thought...

(With Renze)

I closed the door behind me and started to jump around as i looked at Nilly.

"I kissed Zenith," I blurted out suddenly, and Nilly jumped up from the floor and started jumping with me.

"Eeekkk," Nilly squeaked, then grabbed my shoulders, making us stop moving, looking serious.

"But you tell me what happened first cause the situation was interesting," I insisted before she could speak and sat on the floor. She huffed and then followed me to sit in front of me.

"Well, we both went inside the cabin, as you know. And then I tripped over a board, so he helped me up but pulled me up really fast, too fast. When he pulled me up, I started to fall towards him, and he backed up and landed on his hammock. We both burst into laughter, and then he realized the position and started to turn red. I smirked and said,'What you embarrassed?' and then he smiled and said 'no I am intrigued'. Then I kissed him, and he kissed me back. It was such a passionate kiss," Nilly explained breathlessly while shuffling around on the ground, her ears tinting red.

"Wow, that is embarrassingly adorable," I squealed.

"Ok, your turn, girl, I NEED TO KNOW," Nilly yelled, shaking me back and forth, making me a little dizzy.

"Ok ok ok," I chuckled, and she stopped, "I had told Zenith of my dad's death, and of course, I started to cry, but he comforted. And I just felt pulled towards him and kissed him. Then I said I was sorry, and then he kissed ME," I quickly explained, turning much more red than she did.

"Aww, we both had embarrassing first kisses," Nilly teased, and we hugged each other. I was feeling relieved that i was not alone in this embarrassment.

"So is this like official now," I questioned as we pulled away.

"I didn't even think of that. What if it was just a one-time thing," Nilly replied with a look of confusion and slight disappointment.

"What if I try to kiss Zenith and accidentally kiss Kildor," I added, looking towards Nilly.

"I was just thinking the same thing, but to be honest, don't be mad, I also like Zenith..." Nilly mumbled, looking down ashamed.

"Wait, you too," I responded, shocked. Nilly jerked her head back up.

"Oh my seas, what do we do," Nilly grumbled, and then the door opened.

"Hello ladies, mind if we join you," Kildor sang out.

"Nope," Nilly and I replied, then ran to our hammocks and layed down.

"Well, good night," Zenith mumbled confusedly.

I soon fell asleep, still confused by my own feelings. At least i was not alone.

( ≧∀≦)ノ ( 〃▽〃) (*/∀\*) (  ̄▽ ̄)

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