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I woke with a horrible headache and went outside over to the railing, then threw up. I was never going to drink that much of Nilly's wine ever again.

I looked out at Dalana Reef, just a few hours away.

"Wow, I can't believe we finally made it," Nilly mumbled as she stumbled over to me, heavily leaning on me.

"Yep, we will stay for a few days, then head off," I said to her, kissing her forehead.

"Ughh," Renze and Kildor moaned as they came to the railing and puked their guts out.

"Never again, Nilly, never again," Kildor grumbled and slid down against the railing landing on the deck.

"Hehehehe," Nilly laughed evily, looking to be holding in her own vomit.

"Well, we are almost home, I can't wait to hug my mom," Renze sighed in relief.

"I bet she will hug you to near death," I added, nudging her.

We fell silent as we slowly moved closer to Dalana Reef. Looking out across the water, I took in the beauty of the place. The coral under the water shined in brilliant colors, and I could see all kinds of fish swimming around the coral.

I turned to the rocks against the cliff side, which held many caves for mermaids to live in. The water slammed into the cliff in big waves, shooting water high into the sky.


Soon, we reached the reef and lowered the anchor.

"Well, this is it. Here we go," I shuttered nervously. Nilly and I jumped into the water and went towards my cave.

"Hello," I called out, looking around.

"Ren..Renze..RENZE," I heard my mom cry out, then saw her rush out of the cave. "Your..alive," she mumbled, looking me over head to tail, and hugged me really hard, which hurt a lot.

"With the help of some friends .. more than friends, we were able to get back," Nilly explained as my mom released me and grabbed onto the narwhal in a hug.

"Wait more than friends, where," mom realized and glanced between the two of us.

"Do you have clothes on in human," I asked shyly.

"Of course I do, who wouldn't," she replied, confused. Nilly and I sighed in relief.

"Nothing, just follow us," Nilly squeaked out, then turned around and headed towards the ship.

We swam over to the ship, then launched ourselves into the air and changed back before landing on the deck. I kind of crashed somewhat because of the pain in my leg, but I quickly stood up and made sure no one said. All focus was on my mom, thankfully.

"Ahh, you must be the famous mom, i am Kildor, and this is my twin Zenith," Kildor stated, bowing a little as did Zenith.

"Oh my seas, aren't you two charmers," mom chuckled out and walked over to them, "I can't express my thanks enough, that you brought my daughter and Nilly back to me," she said shakily with tears in her eyes.

"The pleasure was ours. They got us out of a few problems along the way that we would not have been able to handle," Zenith replied, glancing at us with a hidden smile.

"Actually, mom, I need to tell you something," I sighed out and came to hold her hand. "After being with the boys, Nilly and I fell for them," I mumbled and looked down.

"And we have decided to stay with them, don't worry, we will visit often," Nilly finished for me and came over to my mom and held her other hand.

"I.." mom began and stopped, "I knew this day would come, I have kept you from the world too long," she sighed out and hugged both of us. "You two better protect them and keep them safe," mom growled as she looked at the boys.

"With our lives," the brothers stated together.

After that, we talked about all of our adventures along the journey. When it became dark, we invited mom it stay on the boat for the night, and she agreed instantly.


It was now morning, we would stay there one more day then set sail. I couldn't believe everything was finally going right in our lives.


After the rest of them got up, Renze's mom cooked an amazing breakfast.

"Have you ever encountered a dragon before," Kildor asked with a laugh.

"Actually, I have," she replied, her eyes lighting up.

"What when," Renze asked, confused.

"Well, just the other day, I was laying in the cave depressed. I decided to go to the land and get some coconuts, because they always made me feel a little better, and there were 4 old men there. They said they were wondering dragons. They asked if I had any children, and I said yes, but I lost them recently. They shared their loss of their own sons... wait... you two look just as they described," Renze's mom began then wavered at the end.

I looked horrified at Kildor, and we both jumped up fast.

"WE NEED TO LEAVE," Kildor shouted, terrified as he tried to get the ship moving.

"No, it is too late for that, boys," someone spoke from above. There in the sky were the 4 elder dragons.

"You thought you could escape us," the black one rumbled out.

"Get ready to fight," I said to my brother as we shifted.

"You think you are doing this alone," Nilly questioned as she, Renze, and the mom prepared as well.

(Never mess with an overprotective mom (((^_^;)

"Hahahaha, so you all choose death," the black one rumbled out, then charged.

I quickly shot a fireball at him, but he dodged and shot one of his own. Nilly stopped it with her water magic, making a sheild. Renze and her mom shot ice spikes towards the 3 dragons behind the black one. The spikes hit one of them in the eyes, and he wavered in the air, Kildor took that chance and rammed into it, sending the dragon towards the cliff and banging off of it. It fell into the water dead. We looked at the rest of them.

!Σ( ̄□ ̄;) (/ロ゜)/

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