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Third-person pov

The two dragons were sleeping when Jabawa woke up, so he decided to go get breakfast. He poked his head out of his hole entrance and looked around, seeing as there was nothing, he continued on.

He soon found a deer drinking from one of the many puddles in the swamp. He made sure he was hidden and spoke the language of nature magic. The sound of creaking trees sounded from Jabawa's mouth as a tree limb above the deer wrapped around it. The deer screamed and struggled to get out, but it was no use, and soon, its neck was snapped.

"Well, it was you or me, deer, and I don't fancy being eaten by dragons," Jabawa chuckled to himself and picked up the legs of the deer, then started dragging it home.


The dragons woke up to the smell of cooking meat and quickly stumbled over each other to get up. When they tried standing, Zenith fell back down, and Kildor landed on his butt.

"I told you two it would take some training before you could walk. Now slowly stand up and walk over to me," Jabawa told them, trying not to laugh.

"I forgot about this," Kildor muttered as he slowly stood up, "oh it is not that difficult, less concentration then when we were together," Kildor rumbled excitedly, he walked a bit then looked to Zenith.

Zenith slowly stood up, and a look of surprise came over him. "You're right it is actually much easier," Zenith agreed as he walked over to Jabawa.

"Well, I am glad it didn't take too long for you boys to learn. Let's just hope flying is just as simple," Jabawa chuckled and turned to the food.

"What is that? Deer? Ohh I love deer," Kildor exclaimed as he walked over to the food.

"Yes, and I didn't know if you boys liked it cooked or not, but I cooked it," Jabawa replied and set a slab of meat in front of each of them.

The dragons quickly devoured their food, as did the dwarf.

"Alright, we need to first go up into the swamp to see if you two can fly well. Then I was thinking, just in case the elder dragons came here, you two should become accommodated with your human forms, so they won't recognize you." Jabawa explained to them, and they nearly choked on their food.

"The thing is -" Kildor started.

"We never got the chance to learn that," Zenith finished, and they both hung their heads in shame.

"We were going to soon, but that was when.... that happened," Kildor sighed.

"Well, that is a bit problematic, but I will just teach you then," Jabawa replied and shrugged, turning to head out.

"Really!" Both brothers exclaimed in excitement. They quickly followed Jabawa, stumbling here and there.

"First, as I said, is flying," Jabawa commanded as he took a seat on a stool. "Zenith, you're first. Just go to a high spot, and then you can try taking off from land," Jabawa explained to him and motioned toward a hill.

"Ok, I got this," Zenith replied in determination as he walked over to the hill. Once on top, he gave his wings a few test flaps and then jumped. He was able to get into the air and started flying around, but once he went to land, he fell face first into the dirt.

"Pllahh," Zenith spat out the dirt, "Well, at least I flew," he huffed and glared at a snickering Kildor. Smoke drifted out of his nose in aggravation.

"Hahaha, yes, now try from the ground, and remember that you need more air to land because you don't have 4 wings anymore," Jabawa explained to Zenith while laughing a bit.

Zenith huffed and stood on a good level spot. He jumped and flaped into the air and, this time, was able to slowly land on his feet afterward. He proudly walked over and sat down near Jabawa.

"MY TURN," Kildor rumbled as he ran to the hill. He jumped gracefully into the air but came crashing down and into mud puddles.

"Hahahaha, that is how it feels," Zenith burst into laughter, and Kildor puffed some fire out.

"Remember what I said to Zenith? You need more air," Jabawa called over to Kildor and snickered at his fire filled aggravation.

"Ok ok I get it," Kildor growled out as he stood back up and got on top of the hill again. This time, when he jumped, he went into the air and was able to land perfectly.

"Much better, now remember to put more air when you take off from the ground," Jabawa instructed to him.

Kildor nodded his head and went to the same spot as Zenith had. His first try ended with him hopping, but then he raised himself into the air on the second. Once he landed, he went over to Jabawa and sat down.

"The reason Zenith had trouble landing is because Kildor was the one that did most of the work when landing. And you, Kildor, had trouble with taking off because Zenith did most of it before. " Jabawa explained to them, and they lessened closely.

"Are you going to teach us how to turn human now," Zenith excitedly asked, shaking in anticipation.

"Yes, yes I will, but first you two need to clean up, you boys are filthy," Jabawa said, looking them up and down. The brothers saw they were covered in mud and dirt. "Go wash off in the big lake over there," Jabawa told them, pointing to a big swampy lake.

"....RACE YOU," Kildor shouted to his brother as he quickly took off. Zenith huffed some smoke and ran after him, trying to get ahead.

Jabawa watched as Kildor got there first, and then Zenith charged into him, making him fall in the water. The two started to splash and bite at one another, throwing some fire here and there.

"Hmm, to be young," the dwarf sighed, then went back into his hole.

It was mid day as the two dragons played in the water, having fun, burning some trees down, and trying not to think of the last week.


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