Rare Birth

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Inside of a huge cave on the side of a mountain, lay two dragons that are looking at an egg in a nest waiting for it to hatch. The egg is big and red, and vains of fire can be seen pulsing along the egg's shell.

"I don't see anything, honey," the female dragon rumbled out as she observed the egg, disappointment apparent on her scaled face.

"I saw the shaking with my own eyes," the male dragon rumbled back to his mate, worried that he had upset her.

As he finished his sentence, the egg shook, and a crack ran down its red surface.

"AAHHH, it cracked, oh I can't wait to see my little fire," the female rumbled in joy, and she shook in excitement, also shaking the cave they were in.

"Calm down, honey, we don't want the egg falling off of the nest," the male advised, but he was shaking a little in excitement as well.

Crack..crrack... the egg slowly took on more cracks, till eventually a little hole was made and a snout pushed out of it.

The two dragon parents purr-rumbled in joy at looking at the cute baby.

The mouth went back in, and more cracks traveled along the top of the egg. The top of the egg came off, and the little dragon showed its head out, but then a second head appeared.

They broke through the shell and landed on the nest. There stood a two-headed red dragon with eight legs and four wings.

"What..." The parents looked at the baby in amazement.

"I can't believe it. This is so rare!!!" The father roared in joy as he jumped in the air.

"My little fires, I can't believe we have a twin baby," the mother murmured at the baby and rubbed her head against theirs. The two heads purred and nuzzled into her head.

The little dragons then started to bite at each other, and one did a little squeak at the other. The two heads continued to mess with each other as the mother pulled away from them.

"We must not let anyone know my dear, or they shall take our child.. children," the father said, turning to his mate with a sudden look of worry.

"Yes, I know, I will not let anything take my baby from me," the mother growled, and the father growled in agreement.

Out of the tale

There are many types of dragons and many different colored dragons. Dragons can only lay up to 3 eggs at a time, and dragon eggs take 5 years to hatch. There is a rare chance that in one egg, there can be two dragons, that is, twins. There is another thing that could happen, but it has only been seen a few times, a twin dragon. This dragon has one body, but two heads and tails, four wings and eight legs (Don't you dare ask if they have two of those... they do) basically double what a dragon has. If a twin dragon appears, they are taken from their parents and killed by the elder dragons because it is believed that one grows in power 10 fold by eating one.

Back in the tale 3 years later

The baby twin dragon was raised in secret from others.

The mother dragon is on top of a mountain in the middle of nowhere, and the father is at the bottom.

"All you need to do is flap your wings," the mother instructed to her child, who was standing at the edge of the mountain.

"But what if we can't," the right head shuttered as it looked down.

"We can do this, brother, we trained, you flap the top at the same time I do bottom. Just as we do when we walk," the left encouraged his brother.

"Yes, Zenith, just trust your brother, Kildor, and yourself. Your father is at the bottom waiting for you," the mother assured him. she then took them in her mouth and held them over the mountain. "Ready?" She mumbled with the twin dragon in her mouth.

The two heads looked at one another and nodded. "Ready," the brothers said together and looked forward.

The mother dropped the twin dragon over the edge. They started to flap and flap, but it was not working. Their wings were not in sync and flapping wildly. They realized this and stopped flapping, then connected their minds and concentrated. The two heads had their eyes closed and slowly started to move their wings.

Flapp flapap flaplap flapflap flap flap flap flap. (Their wings slowly moving in sync).

"Woooohoooo," they roared in triumph as they flew around in the sky. After a few minutes of flying, they landed-ish into the ground faces first.

"Ha ha ha," the father rumbled in laughter, "we will work on the landing." The boys looked up in a dizzy haze, with dirt all over their faces and a little in their mouths.

12 years later (they are now 15)

The mother is in a big thick forest, taking the teenage dragon out for hunting lessons. The dragons were hunched down and hidden in thick bushes.

"Now remember, you must not make noise when ground hunting. It is a little bit easier than fly hunting," the mother whispered. The twin dragon shuttered at the fly hunting lessons, and much dirt was eaten those days.

Ahead of them was a nammoth herd of around 13. They had their eyes set on one that was lagging behind with a hurt back leg.

The mother turned to her boys and silently nodded. The brothers rushed towards the nammoth at a blinding speed and tackled it to the ground. Zenith bit at its neck as Kildor held onto the front legs to keep from kicking him. The nammoth died fast, and the herd ran away. Their mother looked at them with a proud look.

"I am so happy. You have just grown up so fast," their mother rumbled out and gave then a huge hug with her neck.

"Moooom," they groaned but smiled and hugged her back nonetheless.


Their father had landed next to them in a hurry, looking very stressed.

"What is wrong, darling?" the mother asked her mate with worry laced in her tone, noticing his stress.

"They have found out, my mate, we must leave for they are coming," the father rumbled out in terror, as he came to stand near his family.

"How..?" The brothers asked their father, and a chill slowly started to come over them as their fear increased by the second.

"Gonk, my brother, overheard a meeting of the elders. Some dragon had seen the boys while swimming and told them. They are to come tomorrow. We must leave NOW," the father quickly explained in anger, and then they flew back to the cave and took what they needed.

"Where are we to go? They will follow us," the mother asked her mate, worried, as they flew off.

"I know someone who can help us. Hopefully, I wanted to do this only as a last resort." The father replied as he sped up.


"YOU DARE HIDE THIS FROM US," a huge blue dragon roared at them from far behind.

"Oh no, they came sooner. Go on, I will hold them off. Go to the Swap of Shard and look for a man by the name of Jabawa... i love you all, " the father told them in sorrow and then turned to fight the dragons behind them.

"I.. I know he can't do much for long. I need to help him. Know that we love you, my precious fire." The mother croaked out tears leaking from her eyes as she turned to fight as well.

"Noo-"Zenith yelled.

"Come, brother, we must hurry," Kildor sniffed, upset, as they flew on. After a while, they found a hiding spot and watched as the thunder elder dragons flew by covered in blood.

(Hello, i hope y'all are enjoying this. If you read this far, please vote or comment.. if you want. Also did you know that a group of dragons is called a thunder?)

( >Д<;)

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