The Encounter

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We started towards the cave that I saw. We were a bit wobbly on our legs because we had just changed. It is a bit hard to change our minds from swimming to walking.

"Hey, do you smell that?" Nilly asked, looking at the cave ahead.

"Mmm, I do," I responded and walked faster, I did not see the light I had seen before in the cave.

Over in the cave


"This is soooo good, Zenith," Kildor said around bits of food in his mouth.

"I know," I smirked, "I am always - do you hear that?" I quickly broke from what I was saying. I looked at the cave entrance and heard some footsteps.

"Hear what - oh um," Kildor started to stammer as you looked at the cave entrance.

At the cave entrance stood two women with very little amounts of clothes on. Both of them were really pale. The one on the left had blonde hair and purple eyes and was like 5 in a half feet tall. The right one had black hair and sliver eyes and was like 6 in a half feet tall!

"Sorry to intrude on your meal," the left one spoke, "but could we share your hideout?" She shuffled on her feet nervously.

"And maybe some food?!" The right one piped up, looking hungrily at the food. She was practically drooling.

"Yah, why not," Kildor stammered, surprised, and then gave me a pointed look.

"Um sure..," i mumbled. I didn't really trust these too random women, but they did look very pitiful. They were soaking wet and looked a bit shaken, well at least the left one did. The right just looked really hungry.

"Great, my name is Nilly, and this is Renze," Nilly exclaimed with a big smile looking at us, but sending constant glances at the meat.

"Well, I am Kildor, and that sour puss is Zenith." Kildor said the same enthusiasm, i rolled my eyes at his remark.

"One question," I spoke slowly as they sat down, "what are two women doing on an island in the middle of nowhere, dressed like they were on a beach vacation?"

"Well, that is because we are not usually on land," Renze said, slowly looking at Nilly, as if asking her permission for something. Nilly nodded her head at Renze's silent question. "I am a mermaid, and Nilly is a were-narwhal. The reason we are badly dressed is because we just came out of the water to escape the raging waves, and the last time we were human, we were sunbathing." She explained as she twisted her hands nervously.

Nilly looked at her, seeing her nervousness, and took over talking. She then saddly explained what had happened to them, for them to get here.

"Well, if it helps, I am sorry and am completely willing to house.. or cave you for now." I reassured them, I felt bad for them after they had explained what happened. I was not as weary of them as I was before. I offered them some of the food and they took it, thanking me. Nilly instantly looked happier with the meat in her hands.

"And something else that might make you gals more comfortable," Kildor jumped in," we aren't human either; we are dragons." He proudly proclaimed and struck a pose. I looked at him in shock that he would tell our secret just like that after all we had been through.

"Thanks," Renze said, a little shocked, "and it is nice to know that you are just as strange as us." She laughed out a little.

I guess it is not that bad since they told us their kind, but I was still annoyed that Kildor had revealed it so fast.

"Then again, I have never heard of something so usually cool as a WERE-NARWHAL," Kildor admitted with pure awe. I could literally see brimming with curiosity as he stared at Nilly.

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