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been a while but hi

Lemon Lover
22| I think you should come inside

"Voicemail.", Calum sighed, letting his hand drop back to his side after ending the call. Ava was barely even paying attention to him anymore as she led the way to her place.

"I don't even know why you're trying anymore. You haven't gotten through the last twenty times, might as well give up."

Turning a corner, the two reached the street Ava lived on and Calum finally shoved his phone into his soaked jean pocket.

God was still having his fun all the way up in the sky and the creation of his joy was still raining down upon the pair walking down the void residential streets, trainers crashing into the puddles blanketing the pavement.

With her paranoia hushed by consumption, the anxiety was retained from pervading her, allowing her to savour the captivating view offered to her eyes.

She regarded the scene with enchantment rather than with fright, perceived the beauty everything held at night. If it wasn't for her fear she would bow to the man in the moon, pray to him like a god if it only meant living in a nocturnal society with him and him alone.

And maybe one day she would. It was all poetry written in the stars, a future as far as the moon itself and yet there were only centimetres between it's knuckles and the door of her present.

But maybe the boy beside her could turn the hand around, prevent it from captivating her willing neck in a chokehold and savour her future, paint it in brighter colours than she could have ever dreamt of with sunbeams of hope shining through the cracks in the wooden door.

Maybe he could save her from drowning in the endless nightsky, but she was already on the wrong path and he would have had to scream to make her halt.

And currently he was simply strolling along the same path, humming a song. And if he strolled along for long enough, distracted by the tune in his head, following her intriguing silhouette into the dark, then maybe he would need saving too.

But the path the two were walking on in that moment in time was leading them through a muddy garden to her bedroom window instead of the doom and they had yet to recognise the danger they were putting themselves into.

Perhaps they would never notice. Perhaps they would only recognise the rabbit hole as one when they were already falling down, but if they were lucky, then perhaps they would unknowingly take a right turn off the rabbit's map.

"Well that's you.", Calum introduced their goodbye with his head tilted down, regarding his dirty vans.

"And where are you going to stay tonight?", Ava considered, casually leaning against the housewall next to her window as if the rain that had died down to a soft pitter patter didn't bother her in the slightest, skilfully ingoring the goosebumps covering her skin from the cold.

Calum simply shrugged, diverting his attention away from his mud covered shoes and back to her. "Don't worry about me, babe, I'll find something."

"Like what?"

"You think I can break into college? I bet they have a nice couch in the professor's lounge or the head office or something.", Calum joked, earning a smirk from the girl.

"And if that doesn't work there's still park benches and bus stops, maybe an underground station, what do you think?"

"I think you should come inside."

Calum's eyebrows shot up at her words, a foolish smirk crawling it's way up into his face. "Oh?"

"Wouldn't want you catching a cold, would we?", Ava casually mumbled, ignoring his flirtishous undertone as she turned around to face the window, sliding it open and tossing the pens sprawled over the windowsill onto her bed. "Give me a hand, will you?"

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 16, 2022 ⏰

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