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Lemon Lover
10| Restocking

The digital clock on Calum's lock screen read 2:23pm. He'd only have to endure seven more minutes of boredom, only did time drag on, passing ever so slowly.

Sure he could've talked to Ava, however the girl was too focused on taking notes, well, copying them, leaning on her elbows with her head tilted slightly to the side to get a better view of the notes the person in front of her had taken.

Calum watched her as she pushed herself up, reading the next bullet point before sinking down in her seat again to write it down on her own sheet, finding himself mesmerised by the up and down movement of her hips.

Ava, however, took notice of his stare, peering back at him as soon as she finished writing.

"Got a problem?"

Calum took another glance at the time. Six more minutes.

"Can you send me that?", he asked, nodding towards her sheet, scribbled in her way too familiar handwriting. She always drew the small 'a's in a digital font way when trying to write carefully, however as soon as she was under time pressure or got lazy, she would return to the usual 'a's that looked like 'o's with a stick on them.

"Sure", Ava agreed, entirely forgetting about the fact that she didn't even have his number. "If you remind me cause I won't be home for a while and I'll forget."

"Are you going out with friends?"


"Yeah right.", Ava muttered under her breath, the irony of her words a secret she was not ready to share with the boy next to her yet.

"Huh?", Calum asked, mistaking her whisper for an answer while searching for her eyes.

Blue as the ocean, her eyes didn't fail to sparkle even with the dark shadows underneath them and lacking the smudged eyeliner she had worn at the party.

"Uh, no, I'm going alone.", Ava answered, tugging a dark strand behind her ear as she quickly shoved her notebook back into her small raven backpack. "I have to buy a few things."

"D' you mind if I tag along? I need a new lighter, cause...Well-", Calum paused as Ava looked up to meet his gaze. "Someone stole my old one."

A fake gasp along with a chuckle left the girl's lips as she sarcastically exclaimed: "Rude!"

Calum grinned. "So what do you say, babe?"

A good twenty minutes later Calum and Ava trotted alongside each other through the shabby part of Sydney, close to the residential area they both lived in.

Calum had parked his car at a parking spot a few blocks from the store Ava wanted to go to so badly, letting out a groan as they passed another parking spot he could've taken just as well, except it was way closer to their destination.

"How did you not know about any of these?", Calum voiced in fake-annoyance, since he actually didn't mind walking but was lacking a conversation topic.

"I told you I usually go by bus.", she defended, bumping her shoulder into his upper arm as they walked. It was a friendly gesture, one usually exchanged between people that were close and even though they were far from being close, Ava couldn't help herself, telling from the lack of physical contact she had experienced the past few days.

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