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Lemon Lover
08| Lighter

Ava had lied.

Ava had lied to Calum when she had said that she wasn't scared. Scared of the darkness and the shadows and anything that could possibly hide within them. Anything or anyone.

There was no denying the mystifying, yet magnificent enchantment the night evoked, the mysterious charm the darkness lent even trashcans and empty bottles, people had tossed away so ignorantly.

Shadows hugged the dark silvery plastic bags in a charming manner, bestowing even the simplest and worst regarded objects a sense of poetry. Glass fragments were scattered over the lawn stripes along the pavement, reflecting the pale moonlight in a graceful procedure.

His boots crashed so carelessly into oil tentacles and mud monsters as if he wasn't afraid.

She envied him for his bravery, his ability to not be scared when the moon governed the sky, an ability only drugs could lend her.

And she told herself that this was the only reason, Ava had agreed to his offer of walking her home.

"No one's there, don't worry.", he mused when she turned to look behind for the seventh time in the few minutes they had spent walking through the smaller housed residential area, most students lived in.

Ava decided to to respond with only a nod, accepting his words of comfort, but secretly denying to trust them.

With trembling hands she pulled a cigarette from her back pocket along with her lighter as he continued the conversation they had held before.

The mouth piece of the stick resting between her teeth, she held the lighter to the opposite end, her thumb brushing over the drilling part before pressing down on the plastic piece, expecting a flame to ignite.

However, she was disappointed to see only a few sparks flying, the sign of her lighter being empty. She tried again, only to be let down once more, Calum watching her with a natural expression.

"D'you wanna borrow mine?", he offered, reaching into the pocket of his leather jacket, revealing a clear lighter with something black on it.

"Thanks, she mumbled, shoving her own lighter back into her jean pocket before accepting his clear one. She took the cigarette between her fingers as she read what was hand written on his lighter, raising her eyebrows.

'If you wanna kiss smile when you give me the lighter back'

"Well, this is more interesting than pick-up lines.", Ava commented, temporarily forgetting about all the creatures luring in the pitch black of the night.

"Oh, you'd be surprised.", Calum claimed, watching as Ava lit her cigarette. "Really?"

As a response, he simply held his hand out for the lighter, a smirk resting on his plumb lips as his eyes melted into Ava's.

He raised his eyebrows and for a second, she actually considered it, but she diverted her gaze, slipping his lighter into her pocket as she took a drag.

"Well in that case I'm keeping it."

A/N: short chapter but this might or might not be important for the future plot ;)


lemon lover [cth]Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz