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Lemon Lover
20| Ashton's bed

It was beyond two in the morning when Ava's freshly discovered liking for tequila turned into a burning passion.

Well past 3 am she finished another round of shots, her bother for the burning sensation the liquid left in her throat long gone as well as her care about the fact that any shot she took now could be the dooming one.

Calum didn't take notice of her careless and irresponsible behaviour, too busy dwelling in the thought of taking the beautiful blonde in front of him to his downstairs apartment.

She had battled him in beer pong earlier that night and now her fragrance was all up in his nostrils, the jean material of her skirt brushing against him on the dance floor. The friction created by the outline of her back pockets was driving him insane while his hands settled on her hips, swinging to the beat.

Ava watched as the woman's arms danced higher above her before sliding over the head of the boy standing behind her, finding their place in the back of Calum's neck and Ava didn't know who to be jealous of when Calum closed his eyes, seemingly inhaling the scent of her skin, lips grazing over the crook of the girl's neck.

By four, Calum and the mystery woman had long since vanished. Giggles had guided them down the stairs and sighs had unlocked the door before whispers had lead them to the bedroom moans were now reverberating through.

And Ava was still upstairs.

She had considered taking her frustration out on another person's mattress, but perceived divorcing from the bottle in her hand and getting off the kitchen tiles as much too difficult for her restless mind and physical unbalance.

Therefore she was stuck leaning against the counters, internally thanking whoever was in charge of the music for turning up the volume.

And despite no longer enjoying this party, even her intoxicated mind was aware of the fact that she couldn't go home. She simply wouldn't have made it on her own.

Little did she know that only a few months later, she would find herself in that same exact position just one floor lower with a freshly shattered plate in the bin and mascara running down her face. Only would she not be able to remember any of it.

She couldn't tell how much time had passed since the alcohol she had consumed had dragged her down to the floor, but it felt like an eternity and yet not long enough when a blurred silhouette came into her view.

The person was kneeling in front of her and she could hear their voice but wasn't able to make out the words they were saying as she concentrated on attempting to focus her eyes.

Slowly sharpening was a face surrounded by a curly mess. It took her some time to place where she had seen the boy before, but after a while she was able to recognise him as Calum's roommate, Ashton, who had already been there before the party as well.

He was talking to her, but she didn't know what he was saying. All she knew was that she needed to finally fall asleep.

The last thing she observed through half closed lids was him, his arms draping around her body, the bottle vanishing from her hand somewhere in the process of him picking her up.

His arms were like comfortable pillows building a bed for her figure that she fell asleep in  while he carried her to the door.

Calum heard the jiggling of keys and a scratching noise in the lock. It was the only interesting sound he had been able to make out in the past hour.

The slow and soft breathing of the sleeping blonde as well as the music blaring upstairs had become a background noise to him and he felt refreshed, hearing that his roommate was back.

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