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Lemon Lover
02| College

The next morning came like a tidal wave, suddenly crashing over Ava's head as her alarm tore her out of sleep. Groaning she turned it off, cursing herself for that nightly trip but at the same time not regretting one second of it.

College had never been something Ava looked forward to, especially not after inverting her already poor sleep schedule during semester break.

There was nothing she missed about sitting through hours of architecture theory lessons, not that architecture didn't arouse interest in her, she just wasn't as passionate about it as she would have liked.

Nothing she missed about the boredom and the stuffy air used by so many people at once since only half of the windows were actually not defective.

Nothing but one thing.

It had started about a week and a half before semester break when she had started writing the lyrics to a song she hadn't been able to get off her mind on the wooden desk she always sat at, before she had been interrupted and left the quote unfinished.

«I'm just a notch in your bedpost but you're»

The next day, however, when she returned to class, she found that someone had finished her quote.

«I'm just a notch in your bedpost but you're
just a line in a song »

She hadn't given much thought to it at first, Fall Out Boy wasn't much of an underground band and most people changed seats everyday, but she did find herself writing more unfinished lyrics on the table, simply out of curiosity.

And most quotes came back answered.

Ava had figured it must've been someone from the afternoon class since she took the morning one, someone who sat in the exact same seat everyday, just like her, but she hadn't looked into it more than that.

She enjoyed the mystery, the thrill not-knowing gave her and decided that after picturing the person many times, she would most likely be disappointed when finding out who it actually was.

But nevertheless, it was the thing to make her get out of bed and it was the reason she maybe even felt a little excited to return to college.

Calum, however, had different things on his mind as he sat down at the breakfast table opposite of his roommate Ashton.

"Man, you look like a dog's breakfast, Cal.", Ashton greeted his friend, taking the last bit of motivation from the already sleep deprived boy.

"Maybe switching wasn't the best decision after all", Calum groaned, pouring cereal into the bowl Ashton had prepared for him before adding milk to it.

"Better than sleeping through the whole day.", Ashton countered, making Calum sigh. As much he hated agreeing with his friend, he was right. Afternoon classes had not only stolen his free time, but also his energy, since he didn't get to spend much time outside with the sun still shining.

This would be a good thing, he told himself.

A/N: the chapters are gonna be longer in the future, I promise.


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